I just started writing- I don't know where to go with this or how to make it interesting or better-please help i am not a very good writer!!!!
As a 65 year old woman I have accomplished many things that I am proud of. I always knew I wanted to have a career making a positive difference in peoples lives. I took high school courses geared toward health care because I dreamed of traveling to Africa to provide care for those who needed it most. After graduating from high school I had a very difficult time figuring out what I would be happy doing with my life. My mother had always encouraged me to become a nurse. I did not give this much thought because my young mind told me if this was the course I chose it would be for my mother instead of a decision I made on my own. After a couple of semesters of taking classes that I was not particularly interested in I decided I must give school a break. During this time I learned a lot about what it takes to support myself and have the life I dreamed of. I began to think of all the time I spent as a child at the nursing home that employed my mother and how much I enjoyed visiting, playing games, and being around the elders who lived there. This made me realize that if I pursued a career in nursing it would not be because my mother thought I should do so, it was because I enjoyed helping people and making them feel better. Owning my decision gave me great motivation which helped me through the four year program. While in this program I became aware of the infinite possibilities of a career in nursing and realized my desire to pursue the area of adult health. Knowing that I would need experience in the skills of nursing I worked for about five years after receiving my BSN degree before I attended a graduate program with an emphasis in adult health. During that time I also became the mother of two children. I became a nurse practitioner and worked with elders for the next ten years. My autonomy and experiences told me that from there I was ready to take the next step to become a Doctor of Nursing. After finishing the doctoral program I became an educator because I felt that my knowledge and experience in nursing would be of great benefit to those persuing careers in nursing. Though I regret not making the decision to pursue a nursing career immediately after high school I have had countless incredible experiences related my profession. My education and practice formed the way I think, live and communicate.
As a 65 year old woman I have accomplished many things that I am proud of. I always knew I wanted to have a career making a positive difference in peoples lives. I took high school courses geared toward health care because I dreamed of traveling to Africa to provide care for those who needed it most. After graduating from high school I had a very difficult time figuring out what I would be happy doing with my life. My mother had always encouraged me to become a nurse. I did not give this much thought because my young mind told me if this was the course I chose it would be for my mother instead of a decision I made on my own. After a couple of semesters of taking classes that I was not particularly interested in I decided I must give school a break. During this time I learned a lot about what it takes to support myself and have the life I dreamed of. I began to think of all the time I spent as a child at the nursing home that employed my mother and how much I enjoyed visiting, playing games, and being around the elders who lived there. This made me realize that if I pursued a career in nursing it would not be because my mother thought I should do so, it was because I enjoyed helping people and making them feel better. Owning my decision gave me great motivation which helped me through the four year program. While in this program I became aware of the infinite possibilities of a career in nursing and realized my desire to pursue the area of adult health. Knowing that I would need experience in the skills of nursing I worked for about five years after receiving my BSN degree before I attended a graduate program with an emphasis in adult health. During that time I also became the mother of two children. I became a nurse practitioner and worked with elders for the next ten years. My autonomy and experiences told me that from there I was ready to take the next step to become a Doctor of Nursing. After finishing the doctoral program I became an educator because I felt that my knowledge and experience in nursing would be of great benefit to those persuing careers in nursing. Though I regret not making the decision to pursue a nursing career immediately after high school I have had countless incredible experiences related my profession. My education and practice formed the way I think, live and communicate.