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"Restart" - Emerson College - what would you title your story and why?

Licho 1 / -  
Oct 18, 2024   #1
Hello! this is my first time doing this so sorry if I make any mistakes. I'm doing the essay prompt and need different perspectives and advice :) be honest please and thank you

Hitting rock bottom brings a strange sense of comfort, as the only way to go up is to rebuild. Following my parents' separation, arguments with my mother, grappling with my sexuality and escaping a toxic relationship overwhelmed me all at once. I began failing my classes and isolating myself. One night, when searching for something on Netflix, I stumbled upon "Everything, Everywhere, All at once." Reflecting on my own situation, a scene between a mother and daughter arguing struck me, where the daughter lamented over their shared pain.
I thought about my mom, who once would smile no matter the hardship, but now was consumed by her thoughts and exhaustion. That one night, when she cried to me, saying she would seek therapy. I thought about my sister, who suffered anxiety attacks. Amidst these thoughts, a realization dawned; how can I be human if I don't wish to change? I am living my first life just like everyone else. Taking a deep breath, I started anew because this is my first life, and I intend to live it to the fullest. I've learned that life doesn't get easier, but we become stronger and are able to face challenges easier; "Restart"

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15282  
Oct 19, 2024   #2
I would suggest that you use the title of the essay at the very beginning. Use a title header "Restart". Doing so will clue in the reader into the focus of your story, but not the entire story. From there, you can use a strong introduction, not a generalized introduction like you have now. One that actually focuses on the subject and theme of your essay. I don't suggest trying to cover too many topics in this case due the word count limitation. Pick the one that matters to you the most. The one that truly reflects the restart of your life. It is not important to connect it to a movie you saw on Netflix. The reviewers appreciate original writing ideas as opposed to one that may have been inspired or, as is often misunderstood, copied from the movie. Make this your own. Focus on the restart you had with your mother and why it matters the most to you.

Home / Undergraduate / "Restart" - Emerson College - what would you title your story and why?
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