Summary/prompt: I am trying to show how I look a lesson from one area of my life and applied it to another. How can I make this essay flow better and how can I make my writing stronger? Thank you!
This will be my fourth year in Best Buddies, a club that creates a platform for friendships between those with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), promoting inclusivity throughout schools and communities. My experiences in Best Buddies have taught me that being quick to judge others before truly getting to know them will undoubtedly result in missed opportunities for life-changing friendships
My buddy Grace has shown me the importance of looking beyond the surface. Grace is the epitome of kindness, she is endlessly generous, and she never fails to make my day brighter. My friendship with Grace has made me a kinder, more empathic person, allowing me to realize just how big of an impact these friendships have in one's life.
Learning not to judge others by the challenges they face has allowed me to experience the joys of friendships with people with IDD firsthand, and I have given others opportunities to do the same. Many bypass the opportunity to form these meaningful friendships because they (make quick judgements instead of truly getting to know a person) do not know how to approach those who are visibly different from them. I work to bridge the divide between my peers with and without IDD by organizing joint service projects and events where members from other clubs collaborate with Best Buddies members. These joint activities foster new friendships, encourage an inclusive environment, and spread awareness about the Best Buddies club.
Because of my experiences and friendships in Best Buddies, I learned the importance of looking beyond my initial impressions.
My newfound ability to look beyond the surface allowed me to excel in science courses and revealed my interest in medicine. When it comes to science, you must dig deeper to find the answer and truly understand a concept. This is what fascinates me about sciences and what implores me to further discover my love for biology and chemistry in the medical field.
Through internships and science classes, I have witnessed and practiced looking beyond the surface to find the answer. For example, while working in the Emergency Department this summer, I encountered a case of severe hypertension. A patient was brought in with a blood pressure of 250/170, which is significantly high. I observed as a team of doctors, nurses, and EMTs crowded the room and attempted to lower his blood pressure with medication. They continued increasing the dosage, and his blood pressure continued to rise. When the medication failed to help, they looked deeper into his medical history and discovered that he had a pre-existing condition which was counteracting the medication. By looking beyond what was immediately presented to them, they were able to administer a different medication and return his blood pressure to normal.
I experienced numerous cases like this during my time in the hospital and later during my internship at Urgent Care. I have taken what I have learned from my friendships in best Buddies and applied it to medicine and science. For any patient I encounter, for any chemistry question I come across in class, I make sure that I look at the bigger picture, taking into account all the information and searching for a solution beyond what is obvious.
This will be my fourth year in Best Buddies, a club that creates a platform for friendships between those with and without intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), promoting inclusivity throughout schools and communities. My experiences in Best Buddies have taught me that being quick to judge others before truly getting to know them will undoubtedly result in missed opportunities for life-changing friendships
My buddy Grace has shown me the importance of looking beyond the surface. Grace is the epitome of kindness, she is endlessly generous, and she never fails to make my day brighter. My friendship with Grace has made me a kinder, more empathic person, allowing me to realize just how big of an impact these friendships have in one's life.
Learning not to judge others by the challenges they face has allowed me to experience the joys of friendships with people with IDD firsthand, and I have given others opportunities to do the same. Many bypass the opportunity to form these meaningful friendships because they (make quick judgements instead of truly getting to know a person) do not know how to approach those who are visibly different from them. I work to bridge the divide between my peers with and without IDD by organizing joint service projects and events where members from other clubs collaborate with Best Buddies members. These joint activities foster new friendships, encourage an inclusive environment, and spread awareness about the Best Buddies club.
Because of my experiences and friendships in Best Buddies, I learned the importance of looking beyond my initial impressions.
My newfound ability to look beyond the surface allowed me to excel in science courses and revealed my interest in medicine. When it comes to science, you must dig deeper to find the answer and truly understand a concept. This is what fascinates me about sciences and what implores me to further discover my love for biology and chemistry in the medical field.
Through internships and science classes, I have witnessed and practiced looking beyond the surface to find the answer. For example, while working in the Emergency Department this summer, I encountered a case of severe hypertension. A patient was brought in with a blood pressure of 250/170, which is significantly high. I observed as a team of doctors, nurses, and EMTs crowded the room and attempted to lower his blood pressure with medication. They continued increasing the dosage, and his blood pressure continued to rise. When the medication failed to help, they looked deeper into his medical history and discovered that he had a pre-existing condition which was counteracting the medication. By looking beyond what was immediately presented to them, they were able to administer a different medication and return his blood pressure to normal.
I experienced numerous cases like this during my time in the hospital and later during my internship at Urgent Care. I have taken what I have learned from my friendships in best Buddies and applied it to medicine and science. For any patient I encounter, for any chemistry question I come across in class, I make sure that I look at the bigger picture, taking into account all the information and searching for a solution beyond what is obvious.