Each year, the local newspaper honors senior from all high schools in which they serve for the title of "Senior Salute". To qualify for Senior Salute, the student must meet certain guidelines set by the newspaper. The local paper sends the information to each school requesting the names of four seniors that have met those criteria and the student will be featured in the local newspaper. After seeing a few of my fellow classmates with the information packet for "Senior Salute" I asked one of them what was the criteria for being recommended for this honor. To my surprise I met all four criteria that were stated. I immediately went to the principal's office to get more detailed information. She advised me that she would look into the situation for me. Upon her returned, the principal stated that one of the criteria was that the student could not have any school suspension and she apologized because the person in charge assumed that I had been suspended. After speaking to the principal, I wanted to meet with the person that was in charge of verifying each senior's qualification because I was appalled to know that person in charge would make such an assumption. I, the principal and the guidance counselor met for a brief moment and the guidance counselor explain to me that I had an in school suspension on file from the previous year. Since the guidelines did not state whether it was in school or out of school, that is what disqualified me from receiving the honor. Because there were still some doubt as to whether this was fact, I took it upon myself to contact the newspaper to clarified the guidelines for me. After speaking with the representative, I should have been a candidate for this honor of Senior Salute. The suspension was to be out of school and was in reference to the current year. I feel this happen because someone did not take the time to clarify the information and that other students besides me may have been denied this same honor. As a suggestion to the newspaper, I ask that the criteria are more specific in years to come so that this will not happen to other students in the future. I feel that because of my actions, the principal, and the guidance counselor will take every measure to make sure that all students are given the honor that they deserve.
"Senior Salute" -a situation in which you felt that you or others were treated unfair
Each year, the local newspaper honors seniors from all high schools in which they serve for the title of "Senior Salute".
...requesting the names of four seniors who have met those criteria and then the student will be featured in the local newspaper.
Upon her returned , the principal stated that one of the criteria was that the student could not have had any school suspension and she apologized because the person in charge assumed that I had been suspended.
After speaking to the principal, I wanted to meet with the person that was in charge of verifying each senior's qualifications because I was appalled to know that person in charge would make such an assumption.
The principal, the guidance counselor and I met for a brief moment and the guidance counselor explained to me that I had an in school suspension on file from the previous year.
Because there were still some doubts as to whether this was fact, I took it upon myself to contact the newspaper to clarify the guidelines for me.
I feel this happened because someone did not take the time to clarify the information and that other students besides me may have been denied this same honor.
...requesting the names of four seniors who have met those criteria and then the student will be featured in the local newspaper.
Upon her return
After speaking to the principal, I wanted to meet with the person that was in charge of verifying each senior's qualifications because I was appalled to know that person in charge would make such an assumption.
The principal, the guidance counselor and I met for a brief moment and the guidance counselor explained to me that I had an in school suspension on file from the previous year.
Because there were still some doubts as to whether this was fact, I took it upon myself to contact the newspaper to clarify the guidelines for me.
I feel this happened because someone did not take the time to clarify the information and that other students besides me may have been denied this same honor.