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Statement of purpose (objective, reasons, goals) for MIT

eminemya 8 / -  
Mar 4, 2008   #1
Thanks a lot :)

Statement of purpose

Please make a statement about your educational objectives, listing your reasons for pursuing undergraduate work in your field of choice and explaining your long-term goals. Include specific interests and show, as far as you can, how MIT's programs support these interests. Feel free to elaborate on your academic work and work experience to date.

I would like to double major in applied mathematics and psychology. Although this choice might seem unusual, I think it will enable me to practice financial models with insight on human thinking. In addition to pursuing academic excellence, I also intend to participate in research and internship related to these fields. After college, I plan to work for a few years in a finance-related field in the United States and then to go to Sloan business school for further development.

Generally, this educational goal combines my genuine passion for mathematics and my curiosity in finance.
1 Sincerely I have the constant awareness of the beauty of mathematics. From an early stage, I have always found it an exciting exploration when tracing the history of mathematics and considered the process of cracking problems as a recreation for detective. The objective existence of the absolute beauty appears almost a religion to me. To trace what I thought, I wrote two papers on "the algorithm of solving mathematics problem" and "the beauty of mathematics" which are still displayed on the high school website.

2 Under my father's influence, an international manager with a finance degree, I have developed a strong interest in this area. I once read Doctor David Friedman's <<The Economics of Everyday Life>>, in which, he adopts popular and easy-understood cases and flexibly combines obscure economic principles with people's daily lives. Through reading the book, I had a good mastery of principles of economics, which were boring to others. In the same year, I read Price Theory, a representative work of him. Through studying this book, I fell in love with knowledge regarding currency and finance. Unlike the eternal mathematics, financial analysis concerns more about the reasonable choices of common people. The chaotic behaviors act like a black hole attracting my attention at the speed of light.

My long-term dream is to help the government create a more stable financial order. Under the trend of globalization, Chinese fledging financial market has become much more open, which brings great danger to be attacked. Growing up in the time of peace, most of the young generations haven't realized the great potential danger. I, with great responsibility, decided to devote to keeping the country, developing in stride, on the right track to avoid the financial catastrophe. Under the stable economy, China can invest more funds in the flexibility of traditional education which I reason is vital to help the majority court their happiness.

My special interest lies in the boundless imagination in mathematics and I prefer to make things as logic as graphic. After studying for a period of time, I'd like to make a map to find out the inner links and thought between the concepts. Whenever free on road or quietly eating meals, I take pleasure in tracing the routes from different angles to help me cover the materials learned. Also, I discover that dream does help to release the pent up creative imagination. In the dimly understood world(which may involves more dimensions), I not only sometimes worked out "insurmountable" homework problems but also formed transient outlandish progress in mathematics (which more often were quickly forgotten though I keep a notebook beside the pillow).

Thus, the extensive courses and the environment of creativity exactly support my indulgement in unrestrained thinking. I will take the advantage to make ground-breaking discoveries.

Moreover, I was greatly fascinated by the oath to "make a difference in the world, solving real-world problems for the betterment of mankind". The promising cause for financial stability stirs my imagination and I can't wait to be part of something big.

EF_Team2 1 / 1704  
Mar 5, 2008   #2

You sound like an interesting person! Here are some editing suggestions for you:

Sincerely I have the constant awareness of the beauty of mathematics. - I would delete "Sincerely"; it sounds a bit strange here.

From an early stage, I have always found it an exciting exploration when tracing the history of mathematics and considered the process of cracking problems as a recreational form of detective work.

<<The Economics of Everyday Life>>, in which [no comma] he adopts popular and easily-understood cases and flexibly combines obscure economic principles with people's daily lives.

In the same year, I read Price Theory, a representative work of his.

Under the trend of globalization, China's fledging financial market has become much more open, which brings a great danger of being attacked.

My special interest lies in the boundless imagination in mathematics and I prefer to make things as logic as graphic. - "as logic as graphic" does not make sense; I'm not sure what you were trying to say.

Whenever free on the road or quietly eating meals,

Also, I discovered that dreaming does help to release the pent up creative imagination. In the dimly understood world (which may involve more dimensions), I not only sometimes worked out "insurmountable" homework problems

Thus, the extensive courses and the environment of creativity exactly support my indulgence in unrestrained thinking.

I was greatly fascinated by the oath to "make a difference in the world, solving real-world problems for the betterment of mankind". - What oath? Say where it comes from, even if it is the school's

Best of luck with your studies!

Sarah, EssayForum.com

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