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(training centers / laboratories) University of Michigan Supplements

johnfwilliam 2 / 7  
Feb 1, 2012   #1
Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it. (Approximately 250 words)

In Alexandria, my home town, there are only very few training centers that prepare students for national programming and robotics contests, so most of the students who go there know each other and form a community that shares their common interest. My brother, Emad, was the first to become a part of this community and 2 years later when I was in grade 8 I followed on his footsteps and won a gold medal in the Egyptian Olympiad in Informatics. Previously, I was known there as "Emad's brother", as he was a member of the national team of programming and has won international medals. Even though I was proud of him, I wanted to be known for my own achievements, so I participated in the World Robotics Olympiad. I remember the day before the qualifications; I brought my sleeping bag with me to the training center so I can work at midnight and then rest for 2 or 3 hours before the contest. However I did not use it! I stayed awake for almost 30 hours continuously. Fortunately, it all paid off as my team was qualified for the international competition and there we won 2nd place in the world, becoming the only Arab team in the top 8. I could hear things such as "it runs in the family" and "it must be the genes". I transformed from being "Emad's brother" to one of the Williams brothers. I now help new students if they need some sort of aid or advice.

Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests? (500 words maximum)

When I was a kid, my uncle, who is an engineer, took me several times on tours to the factory of lifts and heavy machinery where he works. He had a passion for his job, and I remember how he jubilantly used to show me the new machines he was working on. At the end of the tour, he would let me stay with the other engineers. I was very attentive to everything they explained, from hydraulic systems to control circuits. Last summer, I decided to do a 3 weeks training job at the same factory. This time, however, I got to do stuff on my own. I learned SolidWorks, helped in designing some machine parts using that program and watched while the CNC machine built it. It was the first time for me to actually build a complex structure! I get this amazing feeling, the adrenaline rushing through my veins, after transforming an idea into something tangible that moves. I also experienced this feeling when I tested my robot for the first time. It's basically why I wanted to become an engineer: to build and innovate.

I am member of the Competitive College Club in Alexandria, Egypt sponsored by EducationUSA. During the club sessions, we share experiences and news about colleges in the US. One time a colleague who knew my passion about engineering gave me a link of a video called "This is Michigan engineering". This video became the spark that lightened my extreme desire of studying at UM. It showed me how competitive the engineering is at UM. From building the world's fastest robot to winning the solar car race, it seemed to me that UM would help me thrive as an engineer and achieve all my goals in the field. When searching the internet, I discovered that UM teams have also won many different robotics competitions. I was very excited because I am most productive working in such competitive atmosphere. I can't wait to pull an all-nighter working on some project with a group of students! Also the diversity of the student body would allow me to work with students from different cultural backgrounds, which I believe would widen my horizons to new things that I might not have known existed.

Besides the enriching curriculum of mechanical and electrical engineering, which I want to obtain degrees in, I was attracted to the huge number of laboratories that were built for almost anything! Using the education I would get in the school of engineering and the research facilities at UM, I have a dream of working on humanoids that would have both the flexibility of the human body and the decision-making ability of the human brain, all combined with the accuracy and speed of computers. It is my dream to make a robot such as the one in Bicentennial Man (of course without all the accompanying emotions!). The possibilities for its applications are endless, and such robots would significantly facilitate our lives.

hotblondenerd 1 / 3  
Feb 1, 2012   #2
the word "stuff" may be too casual for a college essay. also, try to shift the focus from your uncle more to you. in some sections your overall tone is too casual.this is an application to a university, not a note to a friend. besides that it is very good, nice work
geebs5 4 / 6 1  
Feb 1, 2012   #3
Your details and description are certainly wonderful! I think you've written beautiful essays and I'm sure they'll enjoy reading them
EF_Susan - / 2334 12  
Feb 9, 2012   #4
Last summer, I decided to do a 3 weeks training job at the same factory.

I learned SolidWorks, helped in designing some machine parts using that program, and watched while the CNC machine built it.

One time a colleague who knew my passion for engineering gave me a link of a video called "This is Michigan engineering".

While searching the internet, I discovered that UM teams have also won many different robotics competitions.

I was very excited because I am most productive working in such a competitive atmosphere.

...such as the one in Bicentennial Man (of course without all the accompanying emotions!).---ha ha! Thank you!

Good luck with school and have fun!

OP johnfwilliam 2 / 7  
Feb 9, 2012   #5
Thanks a lot, but I submitted it a week ago :)

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