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Essay about why I want to transfer to Spelman College

livvv12 1 / -  
Nov 20, 2023   #1
PROMPT: "In determining who may enroll at Spelman as a transfer student, the Admissions Committee requests for you to discuss your college experience thus far and provide your reason for wanting to transfer to Spelman College."

I appreciate all of the professors that I have encountered over the past year at Georgia State University. They have given me an immeasurable amount of knowledge and maturity as a young woman. My focus thus far has been on academics and not so much on the social aspect of college. With that being said, I can confidently say that I would thrive better academically at an HBCU. For example, at my current university when I speak in the classroom no one believes that what I say is correct. Some classmates have made it a habit of double checking me or questioning my answers. I believe this is solely because I am a minority as a black woman. This is something that I've recently noticed within the past semester, and I know that it will not go away any time soon as long as I am enrolled at a PWI. While attending Georgia State University, I've noticed that it doesn't offer many instances where you can socialize and interact with other students. The university is so large with a non-traditional campus which makes it impersonal. I firmly believe that Spelman can offer me a higher quality education and social experience than my current university. I yearn for that community and family feeling of a smaller college and I know that Spelman can provide exactly that. Not only am I striving for community, I also seek to be more involved in campus life. I now know what it feels like to be isolated and helpless when it comes to inclusivity, so once enrolled at Spelman I'd like to make it a point and work with other young women to include and support fellow students. It takes a village to successfully finish college and it is hard to do so at an institution where the village is fundamentally invisible. I want to be in a space where black women are empowered and celebrated, not tolerated and questioned. I strongly feel that I would be extremely proud and honored to represent Spelman College not only as an academic institution but as a place where black women are safe. As a young black woman, I have been unable to find solace in the GSU community and this has led to disagreements, mindless conversations, and sometimes internal conflicts. One positive instance that I can recount at GSU was when I went to the Alpha Phi Alpha spring 22' new member presentation. I went alone but never felt alone; the entire room was full of love and joy. This is my favorite memory of the past year because it made me realize that I should be in a space where this love is consistent. Honestly, I do not feel the love and passion at my current university and I have reason to think that it is because I chose to enroll at a PWI and not an HBCU. I was admitted to Spelman in December of 2021. However, my high school was very diverse and I mistakenly thought that I wanted to attend a college that was similar in that sense and chose not to enroll. The love and empathy that our community shows each other is unmatched and cannot be duplicated, only imitated. Since then, I've consciously reevaluated my priorities and am eager to submit my application for consideration once again at Spelman. I undoubtedly feel that Spelman College is the college that I have been dreaming about. Thank you for your time and patience.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15153 4857  
Nov 27, 2023   #2
Well, this is most certainly a very personal essay. Thank you for sharing it with us. It is emotional and shows that you have considered all sides of the educational discussion before you came to the decision to transfer to Spelman College. It is not to say that this essay will definitely get you into the college. I am not sure of that. Nobody can be assured of admission to any college based on an essay presentation alone. However, this is a particularly strong essay that might allow you to have a stronger consideration when compared to the other applicants. Go ahead and submit this version. It may just be your ticket to admission to the college that you once rejected because you did not see the appeal in it.

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