Prompt: What is important to you? And why? (maximum 250 words)
As a teenager transitioning into adulthood, I had suffered from inferiority complex and perfectionism. I was always tenaciously pushing myself to achieve the high targets I had set for myself and was upset whenever I was not up to my own standards. Although for most it is more than enough to be grateful for, getting a 90 in tests was at times disappointing as it was not the perfect full marks I had envisioned to achieve. The extreme insatiable need to be excellent had resulted in self-deprecation, low self-esteem and on the worst cases, nervous breakdowns, even though I was outwardly deemed accomplished.
Acknowledging the toxicity of that mindset, I began to embark on a journey of searching for a sense of purpose. In the pursuit of it, I invest more time and energy in doing things that inspire patience, gratitude and mindfulness through reading, listening to talks and engaging in enriching communications, as a means of slowing down from the relentless chase of society's standard model of 'success'. Over time, I slowly learn to overcome the pessimism my mind was wallowing in return for gained self-assurance.
That being said, as I step into the second decade of my life, I place importance in my efforts practising the Japanese concept of ?Ikigai?: to lead a more minimalistic lifestyle yet rich in knowledge, strength and contentment; a simple, but fulfilling philosophy. I believe, these ideals are quintessential for me to evolve into a well-rounded and flourished adult in the long run.
I am trying to focus on the idea of living a simple but meaningful lifestyle. Is the idea too off-topic for a uni application? Your feedback is highly appreciated!