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University of Chicago satisfy my desire of a particular kind of learning.

qomoco 24 / 107  
Oct 23, 2009   #1
How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to Chicago.

"Where fun comes to die." Whether it is a myth or not, it depends on the students. That is the University of Chicago, the ideal learning community for me, where students aren't known for party, but known for their ideas and intense work.

Another reason I think why University of Chicago is the perfect place to study is the acceptance of ideas, as it focuses on the importance of the idea not the source of the idea. I did not choose University of Chicago for its campus hospital, I did not choose University of Chicago for its study abroad program, but as a thinker, I chose University of Chicago for its ideas of the (netherworld)-trying to be creative here, not sure if they make sense to you guys at all, since I have always been told my logic is off...). I'm sure other universities has study abroad program and hospital. What separate University of Chicago from others is the idea.

Thank You, please be harsh.

And there is Chinatown for me, but I don't know where I can add that in there, any suggestion?

and maybe a suggestion to describe the idea of University of Chicago?
zinniak 1 / 3  
Oct 23, 2009   #2
"Where fun comes to die." (Hmm I'm not sure if the university wants to be knows as a place where fun comes to die )Whether it is a myth or not, it depends on the students. That is the University of Chicago, the ideal learning community for me, where students aren't known for party(partyING) , but known(cross out the known) for their ideas and intense work(ethic) .

Another reason I think why University of Chicago is the perfect place to study is the acceptance of ideas, as it focuses on the importance of the idea not the source of the idea(Sounds off, try rewording) . I did not choose University of Chicago for its campus hospital, I did not choose University of Chicago for its study abroad program, but as a thinker, I chose University of Chicago for its ideas of the (netherworld)-trying to be creative here, not sure if they make sense to you guys at all, since I have always been told my logic is off...). I'm sure other universities has study abroad program and hospital. What separate University of Chicago from others is the idea. (The idea of what? Be specific)

Overall, it's not a bad start, but I would try to work more on your grammar and organization. You are right about that last part, it did not make much sense. Please try to be as clear as possible, I find that many of your ideas are obscure and somewhat generic.
EF_Stephen - / 264  
Oct 23, 2009   #3
Overall for me, it just has a really negative feel. What is most clear is that you seem to have only a passing notion of what college life is. In four years, do you think you'll never have fun? Do you think you may not need that hospital?

All you really manage to muster in the way of a positive argument is that you'll be able to think there. But heck, you can do that at any university.

Why Chicago? What is it about YOU that makes Chicago a perfect fit? What do you plan to do? Why are you going to college at all? These are the things the committee will need to know.
OP qomoco 24 / 107  
Oct 23, 2009   #4
well "where fun comes to die" is the famous saying for university of chicago.
google it, you should find tons of stuff.
They don't have a particular kind of idea, but think all kinds of idea. I guess.

I guess I have to reword them somehow, sigh, why does my writing never express what I meant...

University of Chicago is known for its ummm "weird" ideas, not sure if the right word there. But anyway, everything they sent to me was about ideas and that's what made me want go there.

and about the hospital and stuff, I didn't mean I don't need it. what I meant was umm hospital and study abroad programs are common in a lot of universities. So won't it be ummm "stupid" to say I want go there for those stuff? Since it's the only place(there could be other place, I'm not sure) focus on idea, so I thought I would present that.

Yea, I guess I was too negative, of course there will fun time. But it's just what I heard about the university of chicago that they never/rarely have parties... They focus more on study, I guess I will do more research and find out.

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