Prompt-"That which we can obtain too easily, we esteem to lightly. It is dearness only which gives everything its value."
*(note- Sir/Madam I am preparing myself for the SAT exam and I am a 12th grader but unfortunately these days my writtings have deteriorated, so please rend back the reviews as soon as possible.)
Yes, in my opinion it is true that we value only those things, that we have earned with hard work. Earlier I used to wonder how good life would be if all my wishes were fulfilled in a wink.. but then I started to ask myself .."Would I get the same happiness from it ??" .."Will I be able to realize its true value or will be just another object in my life??" and bam! bam! another thought enters my mind what do I mean by my "just another object" and that's when I realize that these are nothing but all those objects I received as gifts or all those things that I got without any hard work just gave me temporary satisfaction cause after that my brain decided to name them as "just another object" as there were no memories attached to this object. No wonder there was happiness but it was very short-lived and then I realized that we value things not because they are of great value but because we have worked hard for it.
And then I realized how important all the negative aspects of life are cause if sadness wouldn't have been there we could have never realized the true meaning of happiness , if death wasn't there then we wouldn't have known the importance of life and so i reached to the conclusion that yes, without hard work even the sweetest grape can turn sour.
*(note- Sir/Madam I am preparing myself for the SAT exam and I am a 12th grader but unfortunately these days my writtings have deteriorated, so please rend back the reviews as soon as possible.)
Yes, in my opinion it is true that we value only those things, that we have earned with hard work. Earlier I used to wonder how good life would be if all my wishes were fulfilled in a wink.. but then I started to ask myself .."Would I get the same happiness from it ??" .."Will I be able to realize its true value or will be just another object in my life??" and bam! bam! another thought enters my mind what do I mean by my "just another object" and that's when I realize that these are nothing but all those objects I received as gifts or all those things that I got without any hard work just gave me temporary satisfaction cause after that my brain decided to name them as "just another object" as there were no memories attached to this object. No wonder there was happiness but it was very short-lived and then I realized that we value things not because they are of great value but because we have worked hard for it.
And then I realized how important all the negative aspects of life are cause if sadness wouldn't have been there we could have never realized the true meaning of happiness , if death wasn't there then we wouldn't have known the importance of life and so i reached to the conclusion that yes, without hard work even the sweetest grape can turn sour.