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Williams supplement - "window to my dreams"

asdf 2 / 2  
Dec 31, 2009   #1
Prompt: imagine looking out a window at an environment that is particularly significant to you. What do you see? Explain how this environment relates to you and why it is significant.


It is dawn, and I am peering over the edge of my windowsill at what appears to be a sizable hole in the wall of my room. The hole is neither old nor new. I have never noticed it before, for it was not worth noticing. It is merely an opening to the realm of my dreams.

Beyond this insignificant barrier is a salt marsh: clear waves causing the tall grasses to lean to and fro in a rhythmic gesture. The calm majesty of it awes me, prompts reflection. I wonder why such a place would exist in my mind.

Small trees sway in the distance, as large birds settle in their boughs to watch me. Fish ripple past my feet in a flash of silver. I am ankle-deep in water, pebbles morphing from sand directly beneath my toes. The sky overhead and beyond is gold and lavender as the sun awaits the birds' signal to rise. Water yawns past the back of my chair

And suddenly, I am incorporeal,
Hovering somewhere between the birds and the waves,
Now slipping through water, now dangling from leaves,
At the same time that I
Spread my wings in preparation for flight.
With the rise and fall of the water
My thoughts swirl-
Disheartening and inspiring,
Swaying my inclinations
This way and that way
Even while they remain
Staunchly rooted
In the earth of my
Innermost convictions.
The fanciful fish glide distractingly past,
Nibbling on stalks,
Beautiful as they are annoying,
Until they are caught up
In the slim white beaks of
The guardian scruples,
Stern and graceful,
Keeping careful watch on the
All-important Sun, which shall be set free
At just the right time,
When it's not too cold
And not too hot - but just right,
And then it'll lift off,
Imparting its rays like liquid gold
Until that sleepy lavender
Is stained a sparkling, dazzling blue -
Not just here, but elsewhere, too.

Until then, I dream.

Is this too weird?
I really hate artsy-fartsy stuff in general (no offense), so it would kind of suck if the admissions people looked at this and thought, "She thinks she's a poet? Pah!"

I don't normally write poems or write about dreams so this is kind of different.

If you have time, please read my Common App essay as well:
lee123 4 / 5  
Dec 31, 2009   #2
It is a beautiful poem. It has great descriptions of the scene you are viewing, but nothing is said of what this scene means to you. It is defintely a risk to answer the prompt this way. It will make you stand out, the admissions officer reading it might be really impressed with your creativity or not. it could go either way.

Please return turn the favor, and leave feedback on mine.

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