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Working at Movie Theater; COMMON APP - WORK EXPERIENCE

tahanw13 5 / 19  
Dec 23, 2012   #1
looking for opinions and critiques. thanks in advance

During the summer after my junior year, I began working at the local movie theater. I initially wanted the job to put some much-needed money in my pockets, but "The Theater" is now something entirely different to me. The people I work with share a strong bond, despite the fact that we all come from very different cultural and economic backgrounds. It's astounding how people from so many different walks of life can get along so well, while effectively running a business at the same time. My manager Advay is an immigrant from India, my coworker Eli grew up in a very poor neighborhood in the Bronx, and Shannon, one of my supervisors, is from the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean.

Every time I go to work, I pop the popcorn and sweep the floors, but I also get to build friendships with people who are very different from myself. Most people in the area view it as a place to see the newest action flick, but to me, it's much more than a movie theater - it's my second home.
Didgeridoo - / 306 191  
Dec 24, 2012   #2
I like it! The only thing is, what makes working at a movie theater with coworkers different than working somewhere else with coworkers. What values has working taught you? What's it like interacting with movie-goers (That could connect to the diversity theme you are trying to emphasize)? Remember, the main goal is to emphasize the work part of your work experience.
OP tahanw13 5 / 19  
Dec 24, 2012   #3
thanks, will consider
OP tahanw13 5 / 19  
Dec 30, 2012   #4
thank you for the feedback
OP tahanw13 5 / 19  
Dec 31, 2012   #5
revised version: very different

please leave feedback and i will help with yours!

For the past five months, I have worked at my local movie theater. I initially just wanted to put some much-needed money in the bank, but now "The Theater" is something entirely different to me. When I work, I may rip tickets and sweep the floors, but I also build friendships with people who are very different from me. My manager Advay is an immigrant from India, my coworker Eli grew up in a very poor neighborhood in the Bronx, and Shannon, a supervisor, is from the Caribbean. It's astounding how people from such different walks of life can get along so well while effectively running a business at the same time.

In the several months I've worked at the movie theater, I have improved my speech, patience, and confidence. Resolving a variety of issues every shift I work has turned me from a clueless new employee into a confident team member. I have learned things I would have never expected to: communication skills, tact, and, most importantly, the value of true teamwork.

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