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What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying online?

leanhthao 1 / -  
Sep 18, 2023   #1

studying online pros and cons

What do you think of studying online? It is popular with its convenience and cheapness. It is for somebody who has a full-time job and has to spend all day at school but they also want a course to help them to have a good job with a high salary. However, for somebody, they don't have self learning so it will make them bored and lose focus. You can see, it isn't suitable for everyone.

It has advantages and disadvantages too. Firstly, I will tell you its excellent advantages. You may study online whenever you're free. If you don't understand the first time, you will be able to watch it again. you can receive a degree from some courses too. In the lesson, you will have some group homework, it is also a chance for you to make friends with others. Certainly, you can find many courses that are more affordable than normal courses.

The next one is disadvantaged. Studying online is dependent on the Internet, devices, and websites. If your Internet is not fine, it will influence your process of studying. It lacks Interact so you will be confused by some detail that you can't ask in the lesson. It needs you to self-learning so it may be disturbing for someone who isn't able to study alone.

Finally, I will give you some tips to study online well. You have to find out a quality course. Then, you should turn off your phone, and TV and only turn on the learning app. I think you ought to study by laptop or computer instead of phone. Do you know why? Because message notifications from someone will make you lose focus. And you can have some breaks between a long period of learning, it will help you relax and you can study for a long time.

In conclusion, studying online is a good choice for those who are busy. For me, I can learn by myself so I often study some subjects online to save time and arrange my schedule easily. I made many new friends who live in other cities and provinces in my online class. What about you? Do you like studying online?

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