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IELTS essay: Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of living off-campus?

Helinkway 2 / 4  
Jul 25, 2013   #1
When students enter university, they often have to choose a place to live. It is certainly true that living in an apartment outside campus has several obvious benefits. However, like anything else, there are some drawbacks.

The advantages of staying off-campus are undeniable. First of all, it is more convenient to live in an apartment. To clarify, students have a choice to choose their room-mates as well as how big the house is. They can select a room big enough to have a private space, to contain all staffs they want. They also can decide to live with how many people. Secondly, off-campus housing gives students more freedom. Unlike living in the dormitory, there is no strict rule when students stay in an apartment. For example, they can come back late at night, cook and eat whatever they want, listen to loud music, and so on. Another point is that living off-campus gives students a better preparation for their for their future life. To be more specific, after graduating, they have to face house renting, bills and other financial problems.

In spite of these strong points, living off-campus has its own downsides. A common criticism is that students have to commute to and from their university. This will take much of their time and money, They may have to go far to go to the library or computer rooms. Another objection is high cost of off-campus housing. They have to pay more money to their apartment, to buy funiture, to pay for security, and the like. Last but not least, the final disadvantage of living off-campus is the lack of security. Indeed, if students live on campus, they are protected by the college security guards that patrol the campus.

In conclusion, while there are some obvious drawbacks to live off-campus, this challenges students to live in an apartment. Therefore, I strongly believe that staying in off-campus housing has brought more pros than cons.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jul 26, 2013   #2
I think you need to follow a more appropriate structure for this task.
OP Helinkway 2 / 4  
Jul 26, 2013   #3
Dumi: In this kind of essay "Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages...", I think I have to consider both advantages and disadvantages.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jul 26, 2013   #4
Yes.... you are right. Sorry... I missed out the introduction when I read it first. I thought you answered the question direct. Sorry about my earlier comment :(
Harneet Kaur - / 1  
Jul 31, 2013   #5

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