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The alteration in the world of job occurs quickly nowadays

ryan31 65 / 95 15  
Oct 23, 2016   #1
The world of work is changing rapidly. Working conditions today are not the same as before and people no longer rely on taking one job for life. Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestion which can be taken in the future?

The alteration in the world of job occurs quickly. Nowadays, most people tends to take more than one occupation. The cost of basic necessities being in soaring rates is the reason for this trend and being economical is a solution to be taken.

One of the compelling reasons why such trend occurs is that the amount of money the citizens spend increases. When the price of each product rises, people are forced to issue huge money for meeting their basic necessities, which sometimes does not fit with earnings they get monthly. For instance, a current survey carried out by Chinese Government in 2015 showed that 2000 of citizen admitted trouble to bought refreshment from traditional market due to the high cost so that they can not adequate nutrients.

One of the possible solutions to be taken is life with economical way. This means citizens only buy some goods that they consider important for their lives. Also, adjustment between expenditure and income should be taken into account. For example, Research from California University found that 5,000 of citizens decide to scrimp life such an eat some refreshment at an affordable price. It is noticeable that many people chose to cut their outcome so that can fulfill basic necessities being.

All in all, although the rates of basic necessities have changed, society can be tackled this situation with economical way during a life. I strongly suggest to people do not buy useless things.
kiki23 37 / 64 4  
Oct 23, 2016   #2
Hi! I have some feedback for you!

All in all, although the rates of basic necessities have changed, this problem can be tackled by saving money and managing the spending. Besides, I strongly suggest people to do not buy the useless things.
Hujjatul19 45 / 70 3  
Oct 23, 2016   #3
Hi Ryan, here is some suggestions for you

Nowadays, most people tends to take more ...

... that the amount of money that the citizens spend increases.
... does not fit with earningssalary they get monthly.

... to cut their outcome so that they can fulfill ...

Best regards

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