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An appropriate colour can result in comfort and motivation, therefore capacity for work and health

ekalamarsyari11 72 / 101  
Oct 31, 2016   #1
Psychologists have known for many years that colour can affect how people feel. For this reason, attention should be given to colour schemes when decorating place such as office and hospitals.

How true is this statement?
How far does colour influence people's health and capacity for work?

It is generally believed that colour has significant influence in people mood. This is true as the evidence of appropriate colour can result in comfort and motivation. I personally believe that the power of colour may help people to get recovery faster than they should be and also it supports employees to increase their performances at work.

Since the invention of modern technique to produce chemical colour of purple, most patients' room in the hospitals have been designed in purple schemes. This is due to the fact that purple has healed power. In the earlier time of 1990s, a chemistry study on Cambridge University pointed out that many patients in purple-designed room left the hospital bed faster than those lied out in other coloured rooms. Comfortable atmosphere in their hospitable room has helped them thinking positively so that their mental health support their body getting well in shorter time than what it is expected before.

In addition, high-motivated colour like red and orange has been considered by many food companies as their main scheme. Warmer colour tends to serve higher spirit and more happiness. Chines people who have known as remarkable businessmen are more likely to decorate their home or work place with many red ornaments, which is believed to bring more luck for them. Moreover, it has proven by a research conducted by Prof. Lee from Hong Kong University that red can serve high level of encouragement for most people. Therefore, it is inevitable that colour is also able to increase worker performance.

In conclusion, every kind of colour has psychological effects on feeling of most people, so it should help some who need to be healed or others who want to get external motivation. It is supposed to be better if colour scheme becomes an important factor to install in a certain room or building.

naelendra 6 / 8  
Oct 31, 2016   #2
Hi sari I has opinion on the content of your writing
when decorating place ( places) such as office and hospitals
Since the invention of modern technique to produce chemical ( a chemical or the chemical )colour of purple, most patients' room in the hospitals have ( has ) been designed in purple schemes.

In the earlier time of 1990s ( the 1990s), a chemistry study on (...) that many patients in purple-designed ( the purple-designed or a purple-designed)room left (...) faster than those lied ( lived) out in other coloured rooms.

... getting well in shorter ( the shorter ) time than ...
... to decorate their home or work place ( workplace) with many red ornaments...
... has psychological effects on feeling ( the feeling) of most people,

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