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IELTS task 2: Artificial intelligence used to drive car

vuthuylinh2611 19 / 61 1  
Apr 9, 2020   #1

Nowadays, artificial intelligence is being used to drive car.

Why is this happening? Is it a positive or negative development?

Recently, automobile driven by artificial intelligence is becoming more and more popular. This is due to the need to cut cost of transportation industry. The progress should be viewed positively as it will make our life more convenient.

Self-driving car appeared to satisfy the demand to reduce expense of transportation industry. Recent surveys showed that an average taxi service business spends 40% of their expense on driver wage and human resources management cost. Saving this cost to invest more in vehicle and customer services will result in higher income for the company and better experience for customers. This can be done by replacing the traditional vehicle by driverless car. By doing this, business will no longer need to hire drivers and manage them, thus, a lot of expense can be saved. For example, autonomous buses used to take workers to work are being tested in Texas, USA. They helped solve the problem of driver shortage and cut off labor expense effectively.

Self-driving vehicle should be considered a good development as it makes human life more convenient. In order to travel by car, we have to spend time and money to learn driving skill or hire a driver and depend on him to take us to where we want to go. On the contrary, autonomous cars give people the freedom to travel anywhere anytime without acquiring driving skill. It is estimated that an average person in Vietnam spends at least 3 months and 2000 US dollar to learn how to drive. By owning a vehicle driven by artificial intelligence, we can save this cost to spend on other things.

In conclusion, vehicle driven by artificial intelligence appeared as a result of the attempt to reduce labor related expense. As this invention help improve our living standards, we need to see it as a good development.

I would appreciate all your comments
Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Apr 9, 2020   #2
I am not sure but, it appears that there are 2 sets of researched information in your essay. Something that is not acceptable in the actual test which is supposed to be based on common knowledge and personal experience. The sets that appear researched are:

- Recent surveys showed that an average taxi service business spends 40% of their expense on driver wage and human resources management cost
- It is estimated that an average person in Vietnam spends at least 3 months and 2000 US dollar to learn how to drive

These types of tests always score better when the writer is basing the discussion on points of personal reference and consideration. For example, instead of talking about surveys, you could have discussed how labour disputes that relate to public transport can be avoided since human drivers no longer need to be hired. You could also say something about how you want to learn how to drive but the cost is prohibitive so having AI in a public transport car like a taxi or Uber would be more cost effective for you. Examiners tend to score extra points to students who show a clear understanding of the topic by using themselves as actual examples in the paragraphs.

Now, for some actual problems in your presentation. Learn the difference between UK and US English. Specifically, know how to spell the words differently. Labor in US English is labour in UK English. Also, try to be more creative in your sentence presentations. Don't use constantly used English expressions like "more and more". That is practically a memorized phrase in the eyes of the examiner. You could say "increasingly" or "more" without the repeated word instead. It offers a more formal presentation in the overall sentence.
annahoang 2 / 4  
Apr 9, 2020   #3
Hi Linh, I think your essay has quite good grammar and vocabulary. But honestly, I don't really like the way you give the example and develop your idea. I recommend you use example about the safety which was AI give to driver, as you know, many accidents came from drunk divers,...
OP vuthuylinh2611 19 / 61 1  
Apr 10, 2020   #4
Thank you Anna. I can get your point. I myself feel a little bit irritating as I totally ignore the fact that people will lose job and it caused social problem in my essay. I wrote it totally from the perspective that benefit business. I considered putting safety in my answer but I didn't know how to make my ideas link together logically if I wrote this way. Anyway I cannot put all my point of view in a 300 words essay so I choose to develop only one side of the issue.

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