nutrients in meals
The three charts below demonstrate the average proportions in typical meals of three different nutrients in the USA, all of which may be harmful to people if they had not controlled the amount they ate.
Overall, it is obvious that the amount of sodium and saturated fat they consumed is highest at dinner. However, the food they have for breakfast contains the lowest figure of these nutrients
Looking at the charts, sodium, and saturated fat food is used a lot at dinner. The average percentage of sodium at dinner is 43% and saturated fat is 37%, while added sugar at dinner has only 23%. The average proportion of the three types of nutrients at lunch is relatively high in comparison with breakfast, at about 29% of sodium, 26% of saturated fat, and 19% of added sugar.
However, added sugar has a slight rate at snacks, more than 40% while sodium and saturated fat has only 14% and 21% respectively. In contrast, three kinds of nutrients occupied a low percentage at breakfast, less than 20% in three of them.
Holt Educational Consultant - / 15548 The report does not identify the image with specificity, leading to a confusing idea behind the actual image being presented. This general type of reference does not help to create an accurate summarized report. The type of image must be indicated to help the reader better imaging what sort of information is being presented and how. This is a short form of the report so the specifics in this portion are tremendously important. A clear reference to 3 image names and their reporting list is necessary.
The reporting paragraphs are tremendously confusing because of the proper image identification and information separation. The essay does not deliver clear references to the reader. The run-on sentences do not help either and further fuel the confusing representation of the information provided in the images.
Hi, I think it would be best if you show us the charts, so we would getting confused while read your writing. It makes us hard as well to identified the information you give.