bar chart report (four countries expenditures)
The given bar chart illustrates the proportion of five major categories of expenditures shared in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Japan during the 2009s.
From an overall perspective, it is clear that housing was the most common expenditure shared by the people in the three countries, except for the other country, Japan. Health care and clothing were the two lowest categories of sharing spending in all four countries.
In terms of housing sharing expenditure, while the figures for United States and United Kingdom people were almost the same, at 26% and 24% respectively, the percentage of people spending reached 22% in Japan.Canada had the lowest housing share at 21%.
Notwithstanding, one in every five people in Canada shared the spending in transportation, followed by 17% of Americans and 15% of people in the UK. Reaching the lowest point of about one out of ten in the sharing of transportation in Japan.
However, Japan had the largest food share of all four countries at 23%. The United Kingdom had the second-highest share at 20%, the proportion of people who shared food expenditures in Canada was slightly higher than in the US, the same level as the UK was in transportation, at 15% and 14% respectively.