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TOEFL: best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries

SamuelWei 3 / 6  
May 17, 2011   #1
People usually believe that teachers have the most important job in all of the society. They raise children to be forward-thinking, intellectual individuals. They ensure that children work as a team and get along well with each other. Because of the importance of education, some people argue that to improve the quality of education is to increase teachers' salaries. I can hardly agree with this statement though it contains a grain of truth.

Admittedly, increasing teachers' salaries will boost teacher's enthusiasm and devotion. A survey, carried out by a Chinese educational administration, shows that more than 70 percents of teachers in university put their extra money in the stock market. It is quite possible that the teachers are too concerned about whether they can make money in the stock market which distracts their attention from their teaching job. So increasing teachers' salaries would probably stop the situation from bad to worse and get teachers' enthusiasm back to what they should do. However, the schools have to raise the tuition fees for education in order to pay their teachers. Thus, those talented students from poor families cannot afford the fee to study in school. In addition, less money can be used to improve school facilities, such as libraries, stadium and students center and do scientific research. Also, more pressure would be put on the government with the limited budget spent on education.

Besides increasing teachers' salaries, there are other alternative ways to improve the quality of education. School instruments, for example, labs, libraries and dormitories, could be improved in order to provide a suitable environment for students to study in. For instance, recently my school updates the software in the public computers and expands the capacity of the libraries. Therefore, I could easily find the books that I need to do write a thesis and with the SPSS, a kind of software used for statistical analysis, I could get some inspiring discoveries by analysis the data I have collected.

Furthermore, raising teachers' status is superior to increasing their salaries, because teachers today are not short of money in some degree, what they really lack is social values. If people treat them not as ordinary teachers, but honorable educators, it will provide more incentives for teachers to teach students in an active way. Therefore, raising teachers' status, which is a satisfaction spiritually, plays a vital role in improve the quality of education.

To sum up, although increasing teachers' salaries is considered as a effective way, improving equipment and raising teachers' status are of equal importance in enhancing the quality of education.
ddpddpzzz 3 / 7  
May 17, 2011   #2
plays a vital role in improve - in improving

stadium - stadiums

i think your essay is well.

however, when it read your essay, i feel little messy..
however, you already have good English skills i think!!

i'm also studying TOEFL... so i'm very pool at english..
but, in my opinion.. i will rate 7 of 10
OP SamuelWei 3 / 6  
May 17, 2011   #3
i also feel that my essay is not well-organized to some degree
when will u take the test?
ddpddpzzz 3 / 7  
May 17, 2011   #4
i'm planning to take a test 29th in Seoul

i hope to get a good results in this time ... i already failed to a couple of times.

i also hope you achieve your goal!!!!!!
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
May 18, 2011   #5
I'm surprised you failed. You write so well! I don't see many errors... I think you should add a thesis statement to the end of the first paragraph, though.

70 percent of teachers ...

...salaries would probably prevent the situation from changing from bad to worse and get teachers' enthusiasm back to what they should do.

Past tense:
For instance, recently my school updated the...

Furthermore, raising teachers' status is superior to increasing their salaries, because teachers today are not short of money in some degree. What they really lack is social values.


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