DO you agree or disagree, students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends?
With the growth of our society, it becomes to more likely to get the further education of our indivdualsindividuals. Due to the fact that mentioned above, we students have spendspent much more time with our teacher than the last generations. Therefore some people beievebelieve that we are more like to be infulencedinfluenced by our teacher than by our friend. I can partly agree with their remarks.
I am obliged to admit that our teacher plays a big part of role in shapeingshaping our characters, when we are taught by a skilled teacher in good reputation of acadamicacademic, we can learn lots of things from him, not only the knowledge, but also the integuityintegrity as a great manpeople. However, it is only be helpful in our career. As for an ordinary peopleperson, we are much more than a machine without feelings, besides it is the social life that can reflects our characters.
Hence, in my point of view, we should recognized that our friends play a definatelydefinitely cruicalcrucial role in shapinge our own mind. firstlyFirstly, we students spend most of time with our teacher in class, but we share almost the entire of the spare time to relax with our intimate friend or a group of close school mates to have relax activities. inIn such groups, as far as we can see, we share the common interests and hobbies so that we talk about things interested inand exchange our opinion toward to the same issues we both interested in. Furthermore, I remember that fFour months ago, I was in blue and felt totally useless because an important project was completely ruined by my own fault. However, with the friend's comforts, finally I regained confidence in myself. In this time and age, with the constant complaints of the so-called apathetic society, I still strongly believe that through the interaction with others we can regain the confidence infuenced through the interaction with others by our friends. It is friends that shape what we are as a human-being. Lifetime treasures are friends, with whom we can share happiness and sorrows, the joys and tears. It is friends that shape what we are as a human-being. Life is full of ups and downs. When we feel guilty and down in the dumps, the fortunate thing is that we know somebody will always be there to reassure us. Only by the efforts of our friends, we can develop a sound personality as a student.
In the light of what we have discussed, although we students can be infulencedinfluenced by our teacher, but our friends play a fairly more important role in shape our charcaterscharacters.
With the growth of our society, it becomes to more likely to get the further education of our indivdualsindividuals. Due to the fact that mentioned above, we students have spendspent much more time with our teacher than the last generations. Therefore some people beievebelieve that we are more like to be infulencedinfluenced by our teacher than by our friend. I can partly agree with their remarks.
I am obliged to admit that our teacher plays a big part of role in shapeingshaping our characters, when we are taught by a skilled teacher in good reputation of acadamicacademic, we can learn lots of things from him, not only the knowledge, but also the integuityintegrity as a great manpeople. However, it is only be helpful in our career. As for an ordinary peopleperson, we are much more than a machine without feelings, besides it is the social life that can reflects our characters.
Hence, in my point of view, we should recognized that our friends play a definatelydefinitely cruicalcrucial role in shapinge our own mind. firstlyFirstly, we students spend most of time with our teacher in class, but we share almost the entire of the spare time to relax with our intimate friend or a group of close school mates to have relax activities. inIn such groups, as far as we can see, we share the common interests and hobbies so that we talk about things interested inand exchange our opinion toward to the same issues we both interested in. Furthermore, I remember that fFour months ago, I was in blue and felt totally useless because an important project was completely ruined by my own fault. However, with the friend's comforts, finally I regained confidence in myself. In this time and age, with the constant complaints of the so-called apathetic society, I still strongly believe that through the interaction with others we can regain the confidence infuenced through the interaction with others by our friends. It is friends that shape what we are as a human-being. Lifetime treasures are friends, with whom we can share happiness and sorrows, the joys and tears. It is friends that shape what we are as a human-being. Life is full of ups and downs. When we feel guilty and down in the dumps, the fortunate thing is that we know somebody will always be there to reassure us. Only by the efforts of our friends, we can develop a sound personality as a student.
In the light of what we have discussed, although we students can be infulencedinfluenced by our teacher, but our friends play a fairly more important role in shape our charcaterscharacters.