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Are you bored doing the same tasks over and over again? - Definition Essay

vwyodapink 1 / -  
Sep 20, 2009   #1
Here are the parameters for my assignment:
Using Definition as a pattern of development

Select a specific kind of stress to focus on. Then write an essay providing a clear definition of that perticular stress. Possibilites include dating stress, workplace stress, online stress, fitness stress. Near the end of the essay you might provide concise hints on managing the stress you define. Your essay may have a humorous or a serious tone - whichever seems appropriate to your subject.

I am a very weak writer in my first college level writing class. This is my second essay I have written in the class my first one was shot down as I was told I was no where near college level writing. I am looking for any and all feedback on this essay to help me understand and further develop my writing skills. Thank you for your time and effort in helping me!

Assignment: Definition Essay, Week 3

Are you bored doing the same tasks over and over again?

Hypo stress is the type of stress one would encounter if they do a job that does not require much thought and is very repetitive. People that encounter this particular type of stress would be those who are uninspired, bored and or unchallenged. The effect it has on a person is a lack of inspiration and or restlessness. It can also be defined as someone who is under stressed; they need more stimuli and varying activities in their lives. People with severe hypo stress tend to lean on drugs and alcohol to cope with their lack of motivation and not being challenged enough in life. A great example of someone who would be this way due to their work would be a person working in a factory line assembling a single part of something day in and day out and after a point could be done with the persons eyes closed.

This type of stress like all others, we will find ourselves experiencing at some point. Even if it is not at your work per say, it could even be on a vacation, where you become restless because you are not finding enough to do or explore on your trip. It could even be a hobby or project your working on there is always some point that you may lose some interest and or motivation in what you are doing either due to frustration of not being able to do it how you envisioned or just not grasping the full concept of what you're trying to accomplish. I think more people have this kind of stress than they actually realize because most of us as humans will naturally feel this way about things we do.

As with any kind of stress out there to be able to cope with it and get past it you first have to admit that it's there. Once we have faced that fact, we then have to be able to find what the triggers are and how we get to this particular point. When we figure out our triggers and set off points we can then start realizing what it is that gets us there before it happens again. The main thing we would want to do is actually realize and achkowledge what it is that causes us this Hypo stress and why it affects us this way, while finding a positive way to work through it without allowing it to get to the same level. Another great thing a person can do to help with stress is to set up a sleeping routine, such as going to bed and getting up at the same times every day. This will help us not only get more sleep; the sleep itself will become more beneficial to you. Adding some new stimulation and excitement into your life, or changing up your mundane routine could help as well. Even adding in some exercises on some mornings may be enough to help us lower this type of stress.

While there are many proven and effective ways for someone to cope with stress of all kinds including Hypo stress, it's up to the individual to find what works the best for them. There is no one set thing or way to solve this that works for everyone equally. It is very important to find something that works and you feel comfortable with so you will stick with it. So if you find yourself becoming Hypo stressed then trying changing up a little something in your day at work, home or anywhere it could have a great impact on your feelings and level of stress. Even something as simple as changing your diet around some could be enough spice added back into your life to help. While it will be easy to get discouraged and give up and think this is just the way it is and always will be, you cannot allow yourself to get stuck in that mode of thinking if you want to actually lower your amount of Hypo stress or even eliminate it.
EF_Sean 6 / 3491  
Sep 21, 2009   #2
Hypo stress is the type of stress one would encounter if they do a job that does not require much thought and is very repetitive. People that encounter this particular type of stress would be those who are uninspired, bored and or unchallenged. The effect it has on a person is a lack of inspiration and or restlessness. It can also be defined as someone who is under stressed; they need more stimuli and varying activities in their lives.

Wow! Look at all those weak verbs. Revise the above, and then the rest of your essay, to eliminate as many weak verbs as possible. Then repost. If you need help figuring out how to eliminate weak verbs, read this article:

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