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TOEFL: Boys and girls should attend separate schools

Siva071 1 / -  
Dec 1, 2010   #1
The major complaint against "Single-sex" schools is that boys and girls from these institute have some difficult to communicate with the opposite sex when they grow up.

My younger brother and some of my friends show me that it's not true. They didn't have any problems or any difficulties when they contact with the other sex. That's why to me, studying in a "Single-sex" school has a lot of benefit.

First, students in these single-sex schools pay more attention their study and their work. When children reach the age of puberty, they take a lot of notice in their appearance and how the other sex think about them. These problems in their growth process make a lot of distraction for them. In a single-sex school with no members of the opposite sex around to impress or look good for, they can be themselves and be more focus on their work. What does that mean? That mean girls can drop their shyness and begin to show

dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 1, 2010   #2
The major complaint against "Single-sex" schools is that boys and girls from these instituteinstitutions have some difficultiestoin communicateing with the opposite sex when they grow up.

They didn't have any problems or any difficulties when they contactinteract with the other sex.

First, students in these single-sex schools pay more attention to their studyies and their workother extra-curricular activities .

When children reach the age of puberty, they take a lot of notice inbecome more concerned about their appearance and how the members of oppositeother sex think about them. ------- good point.

What does that mean? That means the girls can drop their shyness and begin to show themselves more.have no reason to worry about and be backward in their activities.

ThoseSuch sports are usually played only by boys in normalmixed gender schools.

Second, withinthese single-sex schools the parents don't have or at leasthave less worryies about sexual relationships of their children before they graduate from High school or University.during their High school or University years .
Bobur 5 / 29  
Dec 8, 2010   #3
Actually, i don't know what are the critiques. From IELTS you might get maximum 5 of 9 ... Have a little scent of using structure. You vocabulary and grammar is rather weak. as a consequence there are too many repetitions...and ideas are quite childish...
NIBEK - / 4  
Dec 9, 2010   #4
TOEFL: Boys and girls should attend separate schools
The single gender schools don't exist in my country. Here we have only mixed gender schools. Thus, this topic is unfamiliar to me. I'm not acquainted to anyone graduated from such kind of school. So this fact may have a great influence on my point of view.
Bobur 5 / 29  
Dec 9, 2010   #5
The single gender schools don't exist in my country. Here we have only mixed gender schools. Thus, this topic is unfamiliar to me. I'm not acquainted to anyone graduated from such kind of school. So this fact may have a great influence on my point of view.

I 'm a mixed gender school graduate. I can't memorize any fact concerning difficulties with the boys at school. I didn't have any unpleasant storeis with them. I can only remember two or three handsome boys, whom I liked in my school years. So, I used to feel delighted when i meet them at school every day.Even i didn't get acquainted with neither of them,but I was quite satisfied by looking at them from the distance.

On the contrary,an interaction with my female classmates was rather complicated to me. Some moments of disagreements with the girls during the schooling years still live in my memory. In addition , I must admit that the reason of variances with my classmates was never a male(no clue). The cause of disagreement in many cases appeared to be different points of view. The theme of row was our tastes in garments as well. However, the pupils of school wore uniforms and we used to find an item to look different.

In my opinion, when a pupil is eager to study he/she will make his/her efforts to do its best. It doesn't matter whether he studies at a single or mixed sex school. If a girl is interested only in males, she can find them anywhere rather than at school. For example, she can get them in her neighborhood. When boys and girls reach the age of puberty, it's better to have a member of opposite sex beside.

Think about more strong ideas
dhunjunikesh 1 / 4  
Dec 9, 2010   #6
your point seems reasonable mainly the second one but with your brother case, he might not have any problem with contacting opposite sex because it's likely for him to contact with female outside the school like from childhood.
NIBEK - / 4  
Dec 10, 2010   #7
Thank you Bobur. I appreciate your help.
NIBEK - / 4  
Dec 10, 2010   #8
Haste makes waste
In my opinion, haste is not such a bad thing as many think. Everyone will agree, that a person - "like a fire" manages to make many different kind of jobs at the same time, while some people can't manage to do even one thing properly.

There is a moment in everybody's life when ...
Bobur 5 / 29  
Dec 11, 2010   #9
Haste makes waste
In my opinion, haste is not such a bad thing as many think. Everyone will agree, that a person - "like a fire" manages to make different kinds of job at the same time, while some people can't manage to do even one thing properly.

There is a moment in everyone's life, when a sudden decision must to be made.It's great, when a person has a superiority to make better decisions. I think that people from this category are open-minded and have a lot of energy.Such kind of woman drives a car with a rush and does housework quickly. These people can do indoor and outdoor work and manage to look attractive, as they find time for visiting the beauty salons too. They have family, children and a good job.A "like a fire" woman often has literate and well-behavioured children. People with a great deal of energy usually sleep less. Sleep for few hours is enough for them to wake up with a full energy. A man in haste always finds way to earn and spend money.Personally, I am quite jealous of this type of people.

Sometimes making quick decisions,will bring you in an embarrassing situation. In this case, it would be properl to say: "Haste makes waste". I used to be in situations, where my conclusion appeared to be wrong and even harmful, due to haste. Then, regretting about the taken steps was . Oh, I remember all the mistakes I have done during my conscious life.It is mainly beacause of my impatience.

In conclusion, in my point of viewpeople living in haste are very successful. Managing all their jobs quickly is a key point of their achievement. On the other hand, there are people who are sleeping while going somewhere or doing something. This is an awesome thing.

You tried to make a structured essay, but without having a flow it is useless. Try to connect the different ideas using more logic sentences. The word choice is often wrong, however, words usually written without errors. Pretty bad punctiation and too much background information in both introductory and conclusion part.
sisiyunjao 2 / 6  
Dec 12, 2010   #10
First, students in these single-sex schools pay more attention to their study. When children reach the age of puberty, they are too concerned with their appearance and how the other sex think about them. These problems in their growth process make a lot of distraction for them.

In my opinion, the third paragraph is too short comparing with the second one. Maybe u can restructure it.
NIBEK - / 4  
Dec 12, 2010   #11
Thank you Bobur. I'll do my best the next time.

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