A breakdown of the amount of consumer spending on personal items in five different countries and is measured in thousand pounds sterling is presented in bar chart. Overall, the greatest spent experienced in British people on all goods. In any case, while the consumer spent the most on photograph, the figure for personal stereos and tennis racquets had similar rates among countries.
The most popular item in Britain is on photographic film, representing at £170,000, which is the largest rate in all of the goods. Compared with around £150,000 for Germany as the lowest spender which roughly for each of the six products.
France and Italy have the same spending on toys at around £160,000. However, the figure for perfume Italy spending more money than France, but on CDs, French people spent around £160,000, Italy just £150,000. All countries almost spent the same money on personal stereos and tennis racquets around £150,000, which was the lower figure shown on the chart.
The most popular item in Britain is on photographic film, representing at £170,000, which is the largest rate in all of the goods. Compared with around £150,000 for Germany as the lowest spender which roughly for each of the six products.
France and Italy have the same spending on toys at around £160,000. However, the figure for perfume Italy spending more money than France, but on CDs, French people spent around £160,000, Italy just £150,000. All countries almost spent the same money on personal stereos and tennis racquets around £150,000, which was the lower figure shown on the chart.