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A breakdown of international trade of transports that use combination of both fuel and electricity

aflah15 32 / 18 4  
Jan 8, 2016   #1
The chart below gives information on the global sale of hybrid vehicles* between 2006 and 2009.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
*vehicles that use both fuel and electricity

A breakdown of international trade of transports that use combination of both fuel and electricity in Japan, United State, and other countries from 2006 to 2009, a 3-year period is illustrated in the bar chart. At first glance it is evident that United State had the largest selling over the timeframe.

In 2006, United State sold over 250,000 machines and reached a peak at 350,000 transports in the next year. However, 2008 witnessed a gradual fall by virtually 50,000 vehicles. In the end of period, the total of conveyances rose sharply to 325,000.

Turning to Japan and others countries, they stood at similar number, about 50,000 in 2006. Both Japan and other regions had small risen in the next two years, but the total selling was only under 100,000. However, there was a significant increase of Japan's trade in 2009, over three times than the previous year, at 325,000 machines. In contrast, other countries still showed a slight growth, just over 150,000 transports as the smallest number throughout the period.

nuni11 33 / 30 5  
Jan 8, 2016   #2
At first glance(comma) it is evident that United State had the largest selling over the timeframe.

In the end of period, the total of conveyances rose sharply to 325,000.

I think you cannot use the word sharply here because it is not a large increase.

Overall, your essay is already good but my personal opinion, it is better if you devide the second paragraph so you have three paragraphs in total.
eddies [Contributor] 25 / 1207 476  
Feb 5, 2016   #3
A breakdown of international trade (...) largest selling over the timeframe.
Overall, the number of vehicles sold experienced noticeable rises. The figure for US recorded by far the most significant growth over period in the question.

Well done, you have successfully covered the intro, but this needs a slight improvement on the overview.

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