large business have big budgets for marketing and promotion and as a result, people gravitate towards buying their products.
what problem does this cause?
what could be done to encourage people to buy local products?
ielts task 2
Big business spend a lot of money on advertising their products in order to attract people. It makes people able to easily recognize the products and influences consumers to buy more and more. Therefore local businesses are unable to compete in marketing. as a consequence, it might be a dead-end business for them.
Promotion is a key for companies to be successful. They persuade society to buy their products. The more advertisements appear on media, the more chances come to get their products sold out. Despite of success for big companies, local business will experience a hard time. There is no sufficient money to fund promotion such as advertising by TV or on line media. It means a death for local business, particularly small business.
Even though a threat is on the move, local business should not just give up and let everything happen. They need to find a way to deal with this situation. At first, they need to keep the quality of products they produce. Then, small promotion might be set up. To illustrate, local business can utilize social media to share what they have made, as we know that social media is free of charge. They can put some testimonies of consumers who have ever used their products on it. Due to lack of budget, this way will be very helpful, or at least local business still exist, not completely disappear. By the rising number of social media users, it is not admittedly surprising if their consumers are increasing.
Marketing is a must whatever the business is. The range of consumers taken depends on how financially strong a company funds it. Instead it must not be counted as a barrier. there will always be a way to cope with it. Local business just need to keep finding solution to be sold out as well as big business.
what problem does this cause?
what could be done to encourage people to buy local products?
ielts task 2
Big business spend a lot of money on advertising their products in order to attract people. It makes people able to easily recognize the products and influences consumers to buy more and more. Therefore local businesses are unable to compete in marketing. as a consequence, it might be a dead-end business for them.
Promotion is a key for companies to be successful. They persuade society to buy their products. The more advertisements appear on media, the more chances come to get their products sold out. Despite of success for big companies, local business will experience a hard time. There is no sufficient money to fund promotion such as advertising by TV or on line media. It means a death for local business, particularly small business.
Even though a threat is on the move, local business should not just give up and let everything happen. They need to find a way to deal with this situation. At first, they need to keep the quality of products they produce. Then, small promotion might be set up. To illustrate, local business can utilize social media to share what they have made, as we know that social media is free of charge. They can put some testimonies of consumers who have ever used their products on it. Due to lack of budget, this way will be very helpful, or at least local business still exist, not completely disappear. By the rising number of social media users, it is not admittedly surprising if their consumers are increasing.
Marketing is a must whatever the business is. The range of consumers taken depends on how financially strong a company funds it. Instead it must not be counted as a barrier. there will always be a way to cope with it. Local business just need to keep finding solution to be sold out as well as big business.