Camille A. Brown, a choreographer, educator and performances talked for TED about dance, she represents the people who love to dance. Most of people think that dance is a physical activities which required to move the body which is mostly accompanies with musical instrumental such as guitar, drum or others. But the real meaning of dance is not only to have fun or move the legs and arms, for the dancers, especially African-American dancers, dance is a language, a way to show their freedom, express themselves, and move their bodies. In this occasion, Brown was focusing on social dance, she explained that social dance is an expression which emerges from a community that requires everyone to move. Each dance has steps that everyone can agree on, but it is not only about moving the body it is also about the creative identity. Some examples of social dances are twist, cakewalk, lindy hop, bee's knees and so on. People make a group and connection by shuffling, moving legs, paddling hands and slapping ties. Dance is performed to state the existence, to heal the soul, to free the body, to keep the cultural alive and to speak in a common language.
Camille A.Brown represents people who love to dance
I have some advice..
... physical activities which requiredto move the body[body movement] which is mostly accompanies [accompanied] with [by] musical instrumental ...
I hope it helps..
I have some advice..
... physical activities which required
I hope it helps..
You have a good summary
I have some corrections
Camille A. Brown, has a job asa choreographer, educator ...
... required to move the body. Next,which is mostly accompanies with musical instrumental such as which are guitar, ...
But However, the real meaning (...) legs and arms,. It can be for the dancers, especially (...), dance is a language, alsoa way to show their freedom, ...
... about moving the body.It is also about the creative identity.Some examples For instance, of social dances are (...)bee's knees and so on . Peoples make a group and connection ...
You can added introduction in first sentence.
There are repeated words, you can change with similar words.
You have a good summary
I have some corrections
Camille A. Brown, has a job asa choreographer, educator ...
... required to move the body. Next,
... about moving the body.It is also about the creative identity.
You can added introduction in first sentence.
There are repeated words, you can change with similar words.
.., educator and performances PERFORMER [comma] talked for TED about dance, [no comma here]she TO represents the people who love to dance. Most of people think that dance is a physical activities ACTIVITY which required to move the body REQUIRED THE BODY MOVEMENT which is mostly accompanies ACCOMPANIED with musical instrumental ...
But HOWEVER [avoid using 'but' to start a sentence] the real meaning of (...) fun or TO move the legs and ...
In this occasion, Brownwas focusED on social dance, ...
... social dances are twist, cakewalk, lindy hop, bee's knee s [CAPITALIZATION] and so on. People make a group and ...
overall, you still need to be concerned on several minor issues that probably ruin you writing like, word form chosen, punctuation, capitalization, and repetition. good luck
In this occasion, Brown
... social dances are twist, cakewalk, lindy hop, bee's knee s [CAPITALIZATION] and so on. People make a group and ...
overall, you still need to be concerned on several minor issues that probably ruin you writing like, word form chosen, punctuation, capitalization, and repetition. good luck