Places visited by Canadian people
The chart compares the number of Canada's resident who visited different places.
The most popular leisure place is cinema in different groups, except the new migrants who born in other countries. Meanwhile, the theatre figure showed the low-level data of visitors. Surprisingly, library was popularity in new migrants born in other countries.
It is clear that cinema is the place that attracted people to attend, 70% of local people and 50% of English-speaking migrants, exclude the non-English-visitor showed a negligible number, only 10%of non-English countries' migrants. 20% to 25% of Canadians and English as first language migrants.
Approximately, half proportion English-speaking residents visited the zoo. The number of local resident and non-English-speaking residents was similarity, among 35% and 40%. The library was a popular choice for those people who came from non-English-speaking countries, the proportion reached 55%. Almost quarter people, include Canadians and English as first language counterparts.