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Why you should care about whale poo

Bams17 28 / 42  
Nov 22, 2016   #1
Why you should care about whale poo

Asha de Vos was whale protector and she became TEDx speaker in 2015. She said that Blue Whale became extinct because many people caught and made it as fish oil or fish production. People should aware that blue whale could hold environmental destruction. Whale conservation discovered that whale was sea engineer, because whale have two kinds of advantages to maintain sea habitat. The first was their poop can stimulate plankton to life and breeding, and the second was their carcass could be eaten by other creatures surrounding them. On the other word, they are nomadic animal usually they migrate approximately 16,000 miles each year between feeding and breeding, and back in the last year so this animal was vulnerable to disappear. We could prevent blue whale from extinction and the clearly way was conservation. Not only that but also we need revise our modern problem to stop throwing rubbish in the sea and fishing net the Blue Whale. We have to protect the blue whale because the true ecosystem was valuable.

Source: ted

ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 757  
Nov 22, 2016   #2
Bambang, I think you have mistakenly chosen the appropriate tense that you think it was. If you take a closer look on the content, it mostly tells the reader or audience about "information/general truth/fact/news" and it is a "current" situation that is happening related to whale. It is true that some of the information indicates a past event, but I think most of them should be in present form. Let me give you a hint in the detailed descriptions below:

- Asha de Vos was whale protector... (did she change her job now? if she is now still working as whale protector, present form is the most appropriate tense)

- She said that Blue Whale became extinct because many people caught and made it as fish oil or fish production. (do people stop catching fish and making fish oil nowadays? No right? I assume that this sentence also needs to be in present form, except the indirect speech)

- People should aware that blue whale could hold environmental destruction.(fact/general truth = present)
- ... discovered that whale was sea engineer, (until now, whale is still a sea engineer)
- On theIn other words ,...

As you can see, the rest of your summary should also follow the above-mentioned feedback. I hope you can do better in the next practice :)

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