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Writing Ielts - Chart about the figure for urban people in developed regions and developing regions

Estelle133 2 / 5  
Sep 20, 2019   #1

numbers of the citizen in two distinct earth districts

The given bar chart illustrated the total number of the citizen in two distinct earth districts during the period 2015 to 2040.

Overall, it is clear that the figure of the urban president did not the same among developed regions and developing regions. There are have a leveling out how many people in urban, who lived in developed regions. While the figure for developing regions steadily grow up every year.

Looking 2015, the statistics of the citizen in two different world regions one after another was 1200 million and over 2000 million people. After this year, the number of urban populations in developed regions is the same. The opposite is true for the data of developing regions.

Each year, the total number of urban people in developing regions increased by more than 500 million people on average. This figure increased to nearly 3000 million people in 2025 and then continue to decline to just over 3 million people by the end of the period. The year 2040 saw a rise in how many citizens in developing regions. The statistics reached a peak of 4000 million in 2040, nearly 3 times larger than the number of developed regions.
roswita116 16 / 37 17  
Sep 21, 2019   #2
Hi, there. I would like to advise you some tips about your IELTS writing.

1. Be careful of your grammar. ("There are..or they have" Not "There are have..)

2. Use Synonyms more frequently. (Urban=city, Region=district=territory)

3.Try not to use simple words (eg:same=equvelent =equal to=similar)

Hope these tips may help!

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