Part time job is becoming a new trend among the children in many countries. TheySome children work to get more pocket money, to help their parents to earn more money, for learning or any other reason ...
People who supports the idea of children doing the paid job argue that such jobs give children a valuable work experience. Also, they understand the value of money and start taking the responsibilities.
THEY here show an ambiguous phrase. Which one do you want to replace: people or children?
People who supportsI agree with the idea of children doing the paid job... .
It is not the opinion of people, but your idea. To support this, take a closer look at the task :
Furthermore, such jobs stop kids from being couch potatoes and instead make them active. In some circumstances where parents are not earning enough, such paid job can be a great relief.
These sentences did not support your topic sentence. You'd better omit
a group of people which does who do
Which for
Things and
Who for