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CLEP essay "Teachers are responsible for motivating students".

langers1 2 / 6  
Aug 23, 2011   #1
I am using essay suggestions I see here, at this forum, to practice for the CLEP I will shortly be taking. It is the College Composition essay test for my English 150 credit. I am doing it within the 30 min. time limit. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Teachers are responsible for motivating students to learn. To what extent you agree or disagree?

As a student and a parent I have an interesting viewpoint from which to consider whether or not it is a teachers' responsibility to motivate myself or my children as students. First of all what kind of motivation is needed and the methods used could be taken into account. The extant of the motivation and the expected outcome should be considered. Finally the individuals' needs and limitations could be looked into. How these questions are answered could play a large role in who takes responsibility for motivation in the classroom.

A hundred years ago the preferred method of scholastic motivation is often portrayed as being corporal punishment. A ruler across the knuckles was many a child's experience. Although this method may have kept many children on task in the class it would hardly be approved of in today's age. On the other hand all fun and no work may keep a students' interest it certainly is the teachers responsibility to keep the focus on the task at hand, namely the curriculum.

The lessons that are expected to be taught also play a role in the atmosphere of the class and the teachers' ability to motivate the students in their charge. We would not expect first grade children to studiously study the electron configurations of the elements as we would also not expect a college student to repeat the alphabet numerous times. The lesson must fit the student as well as possible. Many a subject can become interesting merely on the fact that it pertains to the lives of the students it is taught to.

Finally the limitations of the individual are paramount to the information they can absorb. Age, ability and even the home life of the student can greatly affect the level of success a person can achieve. As I mentioned we would not expect a first grader to study electron configuration nor a college student to find the alphabet of interest.

The teachers responsibility in regard to motivating their class is certainly limited by factors outside of their control such as a students' ability, the material they are expected to teach and the home life of the student; and yet they are expected to keep the interest of every student in their charge. I believe that as a society we must recognize these limitations and help students and teachers balance these needs. As they say "It takes a village to raise a child".
EF_Susan - / 2364 12  
Aug 23, 2011   #2
The extent of the motivation and the expected outcome should be considered.

Finally, the individuals' needs and limitations could be looked into.

Although this method may have kept many children on task in the class, it would hardly be approved of in today's age .

On the other hand, all fun and no work may keep a students' interest, it certainly is the teachers responsibility to keep the focus on the task at hand, namely the curriculum.

The lessons that are expected to be taught also play a role in the atmosphere of the class and the teachers' ability to motivate the students in their charge.

We would not expect first grade children to studiously study the electron configurations of the elements as we would also not expect a college student to repeat the alphabet numerous times. ---Good point!

As I mentioned, we would not expect a first grader to study electron configuration nor a college student to find the alphabet of interest. ---You already said this!

Teachers are responsible for motivating students to learn. To what extent you agree or disagree? --I don't think you clearly answered this question!

OP langers1 2 / 6  
Aug 24, 2011   #3
Thank you, your corrections will be very helpful. I find these types of essay questions difficult mostly because I too often look at both sides equally and have trouble expressing the grey area I tend to settle into. This is an enormously valuable forum and I am glad I came across it!

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