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Task 2: Climate change has a negative impact, while others think it providdes more opportunities

Helen335 4 / 7  
Oct 8, 2024   #1
promt: Some people think climate change has a negative impact on business, while others think that it provides more business opportunities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, people are facing new environmental challenges. Some individuals hold the view that climate change causes detrimental effects on enterprises. However, others opine that it will open new business occasions. While both viewpoints are valid, I lean towards the former.
It is understandable why some people think companies can encounter more business opportunities when climate change still occurs. Firstly, although climate change causes biodiversity loss, in which many species become rare and even extinction, this leads businesses to boost the development and innovation of products by sustainable alternative sources or search methods to maintain products longer and sufferable extreme conditions. Secondly, these green products based on effective marketing campaigns attract a large quantity of consumption, generating huge revenues. This not only brings more benefits for business but also helps to communicate the meaning of environmental preservation to everyone.
However, I firmly believe that climate change severely impacts enterprises because of consequences, namely heat waves, cyclones, or disasters such as floods, droughts, and typhoons. As a result, companies can not operate and make profits. Sequentially, goods are not transported, causing a significant increase in the amount of stocks. It freezes the companies' budgets and limits storage capacity. Moreover, climate change also damages crops and decreases the quantity and quality of food production, affecting business and human livelihoods seriously. For instance, Vietnam has just experienced the largest disaster in 70 years. Floods make a huge number of plants under water and can not be harvested. Not only companies are damaged, but also food resources for humans are threatened.
In conclusion, although both sides of view are reasonable, I still opine that climate change causes more drawbacks for organizations than benefits, because of its damage to finance and human resources.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15248  
Oct 12, 2024   #2
Nowadays, people are facing new environmental challenges.

This is not supported in the original statement. Examiners will view this as a personal opinion on your part. So it is in the wrong position for the paragraph presentation. This will result in a TA deduction in terms of restatement accuracy. Include this in your personal opinion next time or, avoid making statements that cannot be supported by the original presentation. The rest of the paragraph is actually on point and should not have received any deductions had you avoided this misrepresentation in the paragraph.

The discussion is actually under developed because of the lack of proper comparison and personal opinion presentation in the paragraphs. This is a compare and contrast essay. It is customary for this type of essay to first present the public opinion explanation, and then present your personal opinion opposing or supporting it. It is obvious which paragraph is missing from this presentation which led to the under developed scoring consideration.

Home / Writing Feedback / Task 2: Climate change has a negative impact, while others think it providdes more opportunities
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