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A college or university should be open for every student or only for good ones?

hungvud 19 / 30 6  
Jun 11, 2012   #1
Some people believe that a college or university education should be available to all students.
Others believe that higher education should be available only to good students.
Discuss these views. Which view do you agree with? Explain why.

There is no doubt that university education is an issue which generally a great deal of heated debate. Some people think that universities should be open for everyone, while others think that it should not. My opinion is everyone has equal rights to study at university or pursue higher education as long as they qualify the requirements of that university. My view is based on following reasons.

Firstly, pursuing a career and getting successes is a human right secured by every government; and studying in a university is seen as one of the most effective ways to achieve that purpose. Therefore, everyone must have equal chance to study in a university. However, this will lead to several serious drawbacks to people who do not qualify the university's requirements. For example, if someone who is not good at math, physics or chemistry but were allowed to study in technical university, he/she would find it very difficult to understand. If this lasted long, he/she would feel demoralized and would be very likely to drop-out.

Another important reason is that if anyone who didn't meet minimum requirements of a university but allowed to study there, would lead to deterioration of that university' education quality. Bad inputs lead to bad outputs which, in the end, the society will be suffered from. This is inevitable and has no exceptions. For instance, when I was in South Africa, in one discussion with a local friend, he sadly told me that the quality of South African Education has been decreased seriously. The reason was that because many local students cannot pass the normal exams but the universities are not allowed to fail them according to the government's rule; then they decided to lower the exam standards for all the local students to pass the exams. Consequently, many graduated students are not hired as they cannot qualify companies' requirements, the unemployment rate soars while the competent labor is turning old.

In conclusion, my opinion is that everyone should have equally chances to study a university or pursue higher education. However, to do this he/she needs to meet the minimum requirements of that university.
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jun 11, 2012   #2
I like the intro :)

Firstly, pursuing a career and getting becoming successesful in life is a human right that needs to be secured by every government.... Your idea doesn't flow well here...and I feel it is a bit out of topic. Also, I recommend you to use "First" instead of "Firstly".... I remember someone arguing with me why "Firstly" is not appropriate.... I really couldn't give an answer.... but I personally feel First sounds better.... Hope one of the moderators (Susan or Kevin) would help us with this :)

However, this will lead to several serious drawbacks to people who do not qualify the university's requirements. --------- Again think of rephrasing this sentence.... I suggest;

However, if everybody is allowed to follow degree courses irrespective of whether they qualify to meet university requirments or not, those who don't qualify may face serious issues

For example, if someone who is not good at math, physics or chemistry but were is allowed to study in technical universityfollow an engineering degree , he/she would find it very difficult to understand. If this lasted long, he/she wouldhard to pursue the degree and befeel demoralized and would be very likely to drop-out.

Here you have provided a good and specific example :)

university' education quality. ------- quality of education of the universtiy

quality of South African Education has been decreaseddeteriorated seriously.

Good conclusion :)

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