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comparing myself now to myself in the past

angel 91 1 / -  
Mar 11, 2010   #1
I have to write an essay about Myself now and in the past,,,,we should compare how we were in our childhood and how we become. I would like to ask kindly if you can correct my mistakes and give me a good tittle for the essay....

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It was one of the summer night when my mother asked to go up stairs and clean the attack room that we used to put all the old things that we didn't use for long time ago. I start with a corner shelf that has all the old video tabs that my parents were recording long time ago. Some of them I knew because the label that was tagged on i some i didn't know because it has no label.I picked a tab randomly from the ones that had no label on it and put it on the video. It was a tab for ten years ago.It was my eight years birthday party video tab. while it was on, and I was looking at every single details on it, my mind went ten years to the past. I start thinking about who i was yesterday and who i become today.

I was a girl in her who has a long,straight,black hair while today I have a short straight brown hair. Moreover, I was a girl who always like to wear dress and makeup even if I don't do wear these things much often now a day.

I also remember that I feared darkness. I had always to keep the bathroom that was next to my room light on and keep the door room open. Today, I still don't like darkness but not in the same way that I was in the past. Today I can live in the darkness but I rather have a light next to me while in the past I couldn't imagine being in the darkness. In addition,in the past i was the lonely girl who like to sit by herself and talked to no one. Today, I'm more social person who likes to be around people, talking and listening to them.

One more thing that i would never forget from my childhood that i was a television addict. Always, i was in front of the television screen. I was doing my homework in front of the television I turn on the T.V when I got home and turned it off when i go to bed. However, today I don't even remember when was the last time that I sat on the T.V and watched a particular program.

in these ten years I have grown more confidence,more maturity, more secure and more at ease. Nonetheless, I wouldn't say that I'm a totally different person from the one that I was ten years ago, but definitely I'm an improved version.


Thank You
djanat 19 / 29  
Mar 13, 2010   #2
your essay seem clear to understand. the bad thing is you have mentioned a lot of details
i suggest you this
keep the introduction
choose at least three details to compaire (style of cloths, darkness, watching tv).
it is good talk about the difference in the same paragraph.
your conclusion must be your point of view; maybe saying which period you do like, or if you wich to still being child

for the gramma, you have some mistakes,i think you did not edit your essay. the edition is the most important part to get a good writing

"....my mother asked ME...."
"....on i some i...."i did not understand .
"...i start thinking..." you should say I STARTED THINKING because you are telling a storyon you introduction.

much often now a day ..." try to make simple sentences

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