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Comparisons regarding the number of heat level per month and annual hours of sunshine; IELTS 1

Arundyna 12 / 16 2  
Dec 23, 2015   #1
Comparisons regarding the number of heat level in every month and annual hours of sunshine over the course of one year are illustrated in the line graph and table. Overall, it clearly can be seen that the figure looks significant fluctuation In any case, the New York gets immense sunshine, while the London is the smallest statistic.

According to the data particularly in the line chart, the advance cities as Sydney records the greatest temperature in the first month, there is 25 Celsius for humidifier range, next, it plunges in the middle period to 15 Celsius, yet the data witness an increase in December. It is stark in contrast to the New York, this capital city in the America obtains a increase sharply which is the peak performance at 30 Celsius on July. Furthermore, the data falls down to 5 Celsius in the last period, when it comes to London, the temperature level is as similar as with the New York. Both of them look parabola curve, even though the London is slightly expanded heat level.

Turning to the other chart, the New York sees the highest figure of sunlight, it has 2.535 daylight. In contrast, the London obtains the smallest at 1,180 glow of sun every hour. The other figure the Sydney records at the second position with 2,473 sunshine.

shuto 4 / 7 2  
Dec 23, 2015   #2
According to the data particularly in the line chart, the advance cities as Sydney records the greatest temperature in the first month, there is 25 degrees Celsius for humidifier range., next,In the next phase, it plunges in the middle period to 15 degrees Celsius, yet the data witness an increase in December. It is stark in contrast to theIn contrast, the temperature at New York, this capital city in the Americaobtains a increased sharply which is the peak performance at 30 degrees Celsius on July. Furthermore, the data falls down to 5 degrees Celsius in the last period, w. W hen it comes to London, the temperature level is as similar as withthat ofthe New York. Both of them look parabola curve, even though the London's heat level is slightly expanded heat level .

I like your expressions. You precisely described the graph, but New York is not the capital city of the United States.
Good job!

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