full-time education should be compulsory for the youth
It is sometimes argued that full-time education should be compulsory for the youth until they reach eighteen. From my point of view, I am completely in agreement with this view.
One could easily suppose that education in high schools is non-essential since the knowledge obtained from school are not practical and applicable for learners when they go to work. Therefore, it would be a waste of time for students to devote their time on high school. However, I regard this as a short-sighted view. It is indisputable fact that there are a number of knowledge in terms of moral lessons about the society, civil obligations and rights and general law that are taught in high school when students are above 16 and thus have developed fully enough to absorb more complicated aspects like those. This is necessary since regardless of what kind of occupations students pursue in the future, they should be entirely oblivious of the rules and regulations of the country, their obligations and rights to the society in order to become a decent citizen with high discipline.
Moreover, high schools offers students the opportunity to explore their desire of the future career, which is not ussually experienced in secondary school. In fact, non-high school education concentates on academic knowledge mostly and little attention for career orientation. Meanwhile, high schools involve in a variety of career workshops and activities in an attempt to help students understand more about certain occupations and find out their desire for their career path. As a result, if students do not know what they could do once graduating, it is likely that they pursue the wrong path, leading demotivation at work and thus causing inefficient labour force for the society.
In conclusion, I hold a strong conviction that education in high school should be mandatory.