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Toefl: concentrate on the objectives - people attend schools for various reasons

thaiham95 3 / 6  
Jan 18, 2012   #1
Topic: people attend college and university for many reasons. Why do you think people attend college and university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.

From many centuries ago, universities have been playing an important role in ones' life. Different people attend university for different point of views. In my perspective, the three most reasons are increased knowledge, career preparation and new experiences.

First of all, for most people, university is an ideal place for them to develop their understanding. Truthfully, in this wonderful academic environment, everyone is provided with varieties and gigantic number of information by a lot of professors and well-trained teachers. Thus, people are able to strengthen their knowledge. Moreover, through the instructions of teachers, the sufficient infrastructure such as laboratory, library, students is capable of doing research on every academic aspect. Therefore, they can gain a deep sight into what are they studying.

Secondly, studying in university means that you have totally turned into a different page of your life, which included many new experiences. The number of individual who enroll in university are enormous, more than any school one person have studied. Thus, students are given such fantastic chance to create new and wide relationships with a lot of people from any corner of one nation, even from the whole world. For instance, my brother are studying in an international university with a mixed community include Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, etc. And he told me that he is very excited for experiencing such new environment, which is one of his main purposes when attending university.

Last but not least, preparing for career is an essential function of university. Students not only do homework, assignment and attend class but also need to participate in volunteer work, internship and part time job. Thus, they can have some experiences in the outside world and discover what their life goals are. After all, they know where and what to put high emphasis on in order to achieve their objectives.

In summation, people may attend university for various reasons. Some want to enjoy new experiences, some are going to prepare for their future career, while others are eager to develop their understanding. Even though the purposes could be various, everybody who is studying in university should concentrate on the objectives and try their best.

dumi 1 / 6909 1592  
Jan 19, 2012   #2
Fromor many centuries ago , universities have been playing an important role in ones' academic life. Different people attend university for different point of viewspurposes.In my perspectiveFrom my point of view, the three most important reasons are toincreasedenhance knowledge, career preparation and new experiences.prepare for career and gain new experiences.
OP thaiham95 3 / 6  
Jan 19, 2012   #3
What? The opening again? Why i'm so stupid at this :(((((. Somebody help me please!
Anyway, thanks DUMI a lot!
Thors Hammer 5 / 60  
Jan 19, 2012   #4
Through-out the centuries, Universities' have been playing an important role in the development of stable societies. Individuals attend this prestigious higher society for various reasons.

University is an atmosphere which cultures in various people different varieties of philosophies and scientific understandings. Truthfully, in this exclusive academic environment, everyone is given their opportunity to access momentous information from veteran scholars and professor's. Therefore, this level of exposure to higher learning and expanded models of thinking will allow achievement into new heights.

...of teachers and more than adequate access to full laboratories and libraries, a student can become quickly efficient and properly prepared for research on many academics disciplines.

... achieve a deeper in-sight into their chosen field of study.
Furthermore, studying...
In the here and now people are people are trending toward university rather that collage and certainly lost to the days of contentment with just high-school. Thus,

Take for example my brothers who are...
With an ethnically diverse and very multi-cultural populace including...
...Argentina and many more.
He said...
Lastly, preparing for a career is the accommodating factor that universities nurture.
As well as continuance of part time work.
To conclude my thoughts,

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