The table illustrates the data in the use of rail transport in the UK, the US, Japan and Italy in 2007.
Overall, it is evident that out of five countries, Japan dominated the highest number of people commuting by rail transport, and the distance per person. In addition to this, the most significant number of transported commodities was seen by the USA.
There were more people using trail transport in Japan than in the USA. To be specific, the figure for Japan stood at 27 millions of people while that of the USA accounted for 0.3 million. Similarly, in terms of the average distance per person, the most remarkable figure belonged to Japan at 1980 kilometers, surpassing that of the USA by 1900 kilometers. However, the number of billions of tons of merchandise in the USA came in first place with 2820 billion, far higher than the number of tons of commodities in Japan.
Moreover, a similar pattern was witnessed by the other 2 countries. Specifically, the number of trail users in the UK, Italy made up over 5 million, at 5.9 and 5.5 million respectively. 770 and 780 kilometers were the average distance per person in the UK and Italy. Finally, there were 22.2 and 21.9 billion tons of cargo transported in these respective countries in 2007.