The diagram shows the university sport center in the present and future
university's sport center - report
The diagram illustrates the plan of a university's sport center and how it looks after redevelopment.
Overall, this sport centre is change significantly, but the most obvious change is two outdoor courts.
In the middle of the sports center, the changing room, the seating, the reception and the twenty-five meters pool are still keep stable.The gym will be expanded to the east and the east outdoor courts will be changed to the sports hall and two dance studios beside it will be built. Opposite the sports hall they will be built a new changing room and a coffee shop.
The west outdoor court will be changed to the leisure pool and opposite it will have the changing room and sports shop. Three parts are spread out will connect together.Holt Educational Consultant - / 15577 The essay is not going to reach a base passing score. The writer has only provided 129 words for the essay. As suchs appropriate word requirement deductions will be applied. A task 1 essay must contain a minimum of 150 words to avoid preliminary score penalties. Failure to avoid the - requirement prevents the essay from , all sectional scoring considerations. The additional limited score will be in the report analysis section.
The writer should know that the task must be completed over 3 paragraphs. This essay has only 1 and a half paragraphs provided. The analysis lacks balance and proper development. Therefore, the essay fails to deliver based on all 4 major scoring considerations.
It's really helpful, thanks...
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