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The diagrams demonstrate the design of turbine and ideal areas to produce electricity

alif 12 / 12 2  
May 23, 2015   #1
The diagrams demonstrate the design of turbine and ideal areas located in the different places to produce electricity. Overall, it can be seen that the optimum location of the turbine which can produce more electricity is in the high location, while the low areas tend to generate less electricity.

The turbine consists of steel tower, generator, wind sensor and blades (fiberglass or wood). The process stars when the wind blows to the blades and spins them so the wind sensor can detect speed and direction of the wind. In the next step, the generator which is connected with blades produce electricity with output 1.5 megawatts. In addition, computer accepts information from sensor the show direction and angel of the blades.

When the turbine is located in the low level areas which are not spoiled, it produces less electricity. Compared to this, in the domestic places, the turbine can generate 100 kilowatts of electricity. Interestingly, the turbine placed in the high areas produces more electricity because it obtains maximum wind strength.

Home / Writing Feedback / The diagrams demonstrate the design of turbine and ideal areas to produce electricity
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