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Differences between the traditional family and the modern one.

ththnho_tl 2 / 8  
Nov 26, 2012   #1
Family patterns are changing markedly over the time. It is clear that modern family has many changes and differences in comparison with the traditional one. This paper will discuss the differences between the traditional family and the modern one.

The first difference is structure of family. The typical size of traditional family has more than two generations living together. A married couple could live with their descendants and their relatives under one roof. Whereas the modern family almost has from three to four people. A couple has only one or two children. And they live separatedly with their relatives.

The second difference is the role of family members. In traditional family, the man is always the breadwiner while the woman is the housewife. The man is very patriarchal and makes decision himself. The woman has to do the housework, take care of their children and serve her parents-in-law. In contrast, the role of the man and woman in the modern one is equal. They both work outside. They share their housework and their thoughts. Likewise, children are brought up by their parents.

The last difference is the relationship of the family. In the past, the family lives and works together, so the family relationship is attached. Whereas the modern family has no time to gather. The parents work all day and the children learn whole day. They rarely spend time for other members. For this reson, the relationship of the modern family is not close-knit.

In conclusion, the traditional family differs from the modern one on many aspects. There are both good and bad differences between the families. Traditional family becomes the modern one, which is the impact of modern society on families.
Nazaninrp 2 / 3  
Nov 27, 2012   #2
I believe this is all result of the advanced technology
my88626 8 / 16 2  
Nov 29, 2012   #3

Family patterns are changing markedly over the time. It is clear that modern family has many changes and differences in comparison with the traditional one. This paper will discuss the differences between the traditional family and the modern one.

"changes" seems not quite suitable:)
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Nov 29, 2012   #4
Family patterns are changing markedly over the time. It is clear that modern family has many changes and differences in comparison with the traditional one. This paper will discuss the differences between the traditional family and the modern one.

Time has a great bearing on families; on their organization, life-style, bondage, struggles etc. It is very clear that modern family is a much different union in contrast to a traditional family. This paper is aimed at discussing such differences;

The typical size of traditional family has more than two generations living together. A married couple could live with their descendants and their relatives under one roof.

------------- this is called joint family concept
The traditional families followed the joint family concept that allowed several families to live together.
OP ththnho_tl 2 / 8  
Nov 30, 2012   #5
yeah! Thank you, I will check and correct it.

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