On the other hand, some people's belief about the positive influences that a job has on children especially on the areas of value on work, learning and responsibility is also agreeable.
Strengths: Great points in the 2nd paragraph because some people believe that kids should be kids and they shouldn't have to take on adult responsibilities until they are able to handle them. Excellent points about kids lifting heavy materials in factories. The reader will be intrigued by this. The last three sentences in the 4th paragraph are super good! This is interesting because children need to know how to work with people with different personalities. This is a great observation. This paper is very organized too.
Weakness: Watch your grammar in the 1st paragraph. In the first paragraph, I think you need to add commas and take away some words. Here is my suggestion:
"While others sternly argue that it is justifiable for the kids to work, others think that such experience allows children to be responsible, value work more, and gives them an avenue to learn about life in general."
I would avoid saying youngsters because I feel that using a term like youths or young people would help the reader. In the 2nd paragraph, I don't know if this is a typing error, but make sure to change the beginning of the sentence to: "An example of this". I'm confused by the last sentence in the 2nd paragraph. Do you mean that it is advisable that children aren't associated with any type of work because of the physical and mental demands it imposes upon them? Or you could phrase it as: Therefore, it is not necessary for children to be exposed to any type of work that it is physically and mentally demanding. The 1st sentence in the 4th paragraph needs revision because I am having trouble understanding it. It took me some time to see how you can change this. The sentence can stay the same, except if you change it to "especially regarding valuing work,", you will only change the sentence slightly. Read it this way and see how it sounds. In the 5th paragraph, Do you mean that there are advantages in involving children in paid work, but you disagree with this argument? In the 5th paragraph, you saying "finding themselves on". I think you are trying to link the two ideas. "finding themselves and having" can link the two. Read through the paper once more after changing grammar and see if you need to add anything.
*Please know that your weaknesses are only slight errors.