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IELTS: ECOLOGICAL BALANCE; 'technology as major culprit for ecological impact'

gtamani 6 / 14  
Nov 23, 2013   #1
Ecological balance is impossible to achieve when technological progress constantly ruins our environment. Do you agree?
Destruction of natural habitat and its repercussion to the entire ecosystem has been one of hotly debated issue in modern society. Its true that most of this ecological impact has been the result of industrialization and the technological advances we achieved during last century. However, I think to restore and protect the ecosystem, technology should be at forefront.

Most of the egregious environmental hazards are caused by the profit making enterprise that consider shareholder holder value maximization only as their goal. Aided by the new technological innovation and capabilities, they pursue their objectives without considering the consequences of their activities on the environment. Encroachment of the wild life habitat in search for oil and gold mines with the use of latest technology has been a common phenomenon for companies such as BP oil and Exonn Mobil. Further, these companies decide undertaking the new project solely based one the cost and monetary benefits. In my view, these problems have been the result of the human behavior not technological advances.

In other hand, technological advance in the field of alternative sources of energy and emission control system in factory has largely helped to reduce the environmental impact. However, these new eco-friendly advances have largely been ignored. In some cases, it is due to lack of awareness, in others, due to lack of our interest in changing our lifestyle and behavior. For example, recent advances in automobile industry have made the fuel efficient and eco-friendly vehicle available in the market. However, neither the customers are willing to sacrifice their convenience, nor the enterprises are willing to heavily market their product shrinking their profit margin. Additionally, concept of eco-friendly buildings & eco-friendly consumer products has largely been a brainchild of the recent advances in technology. Also, technology has made it possible for us to thoroughly understand the various species behavior and also to understand the consequences of our action to the whole ecosystem.

In conclusion, blaming technology as major culprit for ecological impact reveals naivete to inherent nature of the world we live in and the capabilities of the technological advances. In my view, advancement in the technology is only the way to maintain ecological balance.
raDJa 1 / 4  
Nov 23, 2013   #2
Its true that most
avoid using contractions
because it sounds informal
OP gtamani 6 / 14  
Nov 24, 2013   #3
Thanks raDja for your comment. Can you be more specific?
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Dec 6, 2013   #4
Destruction of natural habitat and its repercussion to the entire ecosystem has been one of hotly debated issue in modern society. Its true that most of this ecological impact has been the result of industrialization and the technological advances we achieved during last century. However, I think to restore and protect the ecosystem, technology should be at forefront.

Well .... your prompt requests you to express your opinion on;

Ecological balance is impossible to achieve when technological progress constantly ruins our environment. Do you agree?

I find this has a different meaning to what you have expressed;

However, I think to restore and protect the ecosystem, technology should be at forefront.

It is always good to stay with the prompt, otherwise your writing may go out of topic :(
You write well.... Hope you manged time well too :)
Good Luck!

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