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'Ecosystem has a balance between predators and preys' GRE ISSUE on protecting endangered species

nav3057 3 / 4  
Feb 18, 2016   #1
Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.

Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.

Ecosystem has a balance between predators and preys. Every species that are present on planet Earth, serves a purpose. With the development of humankind, it has created a concern of edengered species. As population has exploded, more and more area of forest are encroached upon. To feed more population more agricultural field is required. Each year forest cover on land is decreasing, and is being converted into agricultural land. It is moral obligation of society to make an effort to save endangered species, as it is making of their own.

Not only moral obligation, but now it has become a need of society to work upon their ill will. In recent times there has been several incidents of human-animal interaction. More and more animals are seen near the human populace. This serves as one of the warning to humankind, as not to play with their habitat. There is a set food chain among species, if any link is disturbed it might get dangerous for humans as well. Another incident that has been discussed recently, is killing of sharks for their fins, which are highly profitable. The ruthless killing of sharks has caused their population to decrease. All these malice are one way are another result of human activities and they will have to work on restoring the balance.

One of the major causes of this mess is Global warming. Abrupt changes in weather condition makes it hard for animals to survive. In several cases, these efforts have been promoted and there has been a serious improvement as in case of Tiger population in India. Efforts made by Indian government has led to increase in number of Tigers in India. These efforts should not be restricted on just animals but also to plants. Several plants have been used for medication purposes like Tulsi, Neem. There might be possibility that some plants may contain herbs to cure deadly disease.

Some may argue about survival of the fittest theory, that only the fit may survive. But this theory is for natural catastrophe not man-made. No doubt Human kind is fittest and has the intellectual capability to survive, but it has started to degrade the bio-diversity and natural balance among the species. Other may argue about money will be wasted on such products, which instead could be used in benefiting human kind by eradication of poverty and other problems. But this problem may not be deadly right now but it is insidious. sooner the efforts are taken better it will be for we humans.
EF_Kevin 8 / 13319 129  
Feb 18, 2016   #2
You began the essay with a statement-of-the obvious, and that might make the reader stop paying attention:
Ecosystem has a balance between predators and preys. ----It might be better to put this sentence in the middle instead of at the beginning.

Every species that are present on planet Earth serves a purpose. ---This is a good sentence to use at the start of the essay. It's more interesting.

Protecting species endangered by human activity is not only a moral obligation but also now it has become a need of society to work upon their ill will a necessity. In recent times there has have been several incidents ...

One of the major causes of this....plants may contain herbs to cure deadly disease.---- When I read this paragraph, I don't see how you connect it to your argument. I think you will improve this essay a lot if you add a sentence to the beginning of each paragraph. Read each paragraph, and type a sentence that explains why the information in the paragraph helps prove your argument is correct. Add a sentence like that to the beginning of each body paragraph.

Some may argue about survival of the fittest theory, that only the fit may --- You are smart to include a part where you 'refute the counterargument' but after you do that you should have one more paragraph to serve as the conclusion, where you reiterate your main idea.
OP nav3057 3 / 4  
Feb 18, 2016   #3
Thank You Kevin for your insight
ichatea07 27 / 24 10  
Feb 20, 2016   #4
Every species that areIS presentED / LIVES on THE planet Earth, serves a purpose. With the development of humankind, it has created a concern of eN dA ngered species

more and more areaS of forest are encroached upon.

IN ORDER TO feed more population, more agricultural field is required. Each year forest cover on land is decreasing, and is being converted into agricultural land.

I think your ideas have been very brilliant in giving this response, however, it doesn't mean you can reduce your attention to show grammatical accuracy in your English writings, especially I found the mistakes are common in article placement 'the, of, a, in'. If you could go thru this matter, you will be assessed as advanced in English. Keep fighting!

... a need of society to work upon theirill willPOSSIBILITIES TO ILLNESS

There is a set OF food chain among species,

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