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TED Summary: Protecting Endangered Species for Future Generations By: Andrew Currie

Fitri12 28 / 53 6  
Sep 19, 2016   #1
"Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized by a sense of universal responsibility, not only nation to nation and human to human, but also human to other forms of life", a quote by Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, presented by Andrew Currie, a researcher, a traveler, an observer, who concerns a lot regarding the existence of endangered species, to remain us that there are other worthy living creatures simply in need of protection.

Furthermore, he described about the significance of helping rare animals, that they do not have representative in congress, they do not involve in any elections, and they are completely dependent on human's good willing for their survival in this planet. As conclusion, Andrew proposed couple ways out in order to avoid the extinction of those animals. Reducing population is the first suggestion offered by him as he believes it will keep the habitat safe. He emphasized that having fewer children will be helpful, but adopting kids will be much better. Lastly, he highlighted that extending empathy to endangered wildlifes, as the way we care about our pets, is as precious as our future generations' life, to be maintained, to be loved, to live life side by side peacefully.

Source: youtube.com/watch?v=a7MeCPfaPR0
ichanpants89 [Contributor] 16 / 776 309  
Sep 19, 2016   #2
Hi Fitri. I have several notes on your essay. Hope you can follow it through.

- "Today, more than ever before, life must be characterized ...
The introductory paragraph is too long. One must consider the readers as one of several important things to be noticed during writing. The readability of the text is crucial here so be careful with long sentences. You can separate this sentence into two or three sentences .

- ...and they are completely dependentdepend on human's good willing for theirtosurvival survive in this planet .
- As a conclusion, Andrew proposed ...

Actually, it is a good essay. You know, a simple sentence does not indicate that a writer lacks of idea or has poor skill on writing. Sometimes using simple sentence is better than the complex one because one of the purposes of writing is to share our ideas to the reader. Thus, we need to make the readers understand about our writing firstly. Keep practicing!

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