"What education fails to teach us is to see the human community as one.
Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another,
education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth."
What do you think of the view of education expressed above? Explain, using
reasons and/or specific examples from your own experience, observations, or
My Answer:
Even though it is true that the human community is above all other mundane traits, each nation is unique in itself
and provides a unique blend of its culture, language and heritage. Only learning the similarities among all people
and places on the earth may not serve the purpose of viewing the human community as one. For that matter,
it should be accompanied by even the unique difference among the nations.
On one hand differences may be viewed as the best teachers of learning a nation and its history. The differnces would best describe the evolution of the nation and would reflect how the current trends emergerd in a place. For example,studying the European and American history would put light on how the current trends eventually evolved from the earlier generations. According to me, education could provide the mere facts in history and the sole decision of following or having a opinion should be left entirely to the reader.At last education is meant to broaden the horizons of views and depth of knowledge.
On the other hand, studying each unique nation, it would actually provide the detail insights into its culture, history, government organisations, heritage and so on. Studying these differnces would actually go long way from just studying the differnces. For example, if a business school focuses on studying the differnt nationalities, it would help a finance student to apply this knowledge to various factors like banking regulation that would truly be in
favour of the culture and beliefs of local tradition.
In sum, it could be maintained that studying differences that seperate nations along with the similarities between them could reap greater benefits than by studying the similarities alone.
Rather than focus on the unique differences that separate one nation from another,
education should focus on the similarities among all people and places on Earth."
What do you think of the view of education expressed above? Explain, using
reasons and/or specific examples from your own experience, observations, or
My Answer:
Even though it is true that the human community is above all other mundane traits, each nation is unique in itself
and provides a unique blend of its culture, language and heritage. Only learning the similarities among all people
and places on the earth may not serve the purpose of viewing the human community as one. For that matter,
it should be accompanied by even the unique difference among the nations.
On one hand differences may be viewed as the best teachers of learning a nation and its history. The differnces would best describe the evolution of the nation and would reflect how the current trends emergerd in a place. For example,studying the European and American history would put light on how the current trends eventually evolved from the earlier generations. According to me, education could provide the mere facts in history and the sole decision of following or having a opinion should be left entirely to the reader.At last education is meant to broaden the horizons of views and depth of knowledge.
On the other hand, studying each unique nation, it would actually provide the detail insights into its culture, history, government organisations, heritage and so on. Studying these differnces would actually go long way from just studying the differnces. For example, if a business school focuses on studying the differnt nationalities, it would help a finance student to apply this knowledge to various factors like banking regulation that would truly be in
favour of the culture and beliefs of local tradition.
In sum, it could be maintained that studying differences that seperate nations along with the similarities between them could reap greater benefits than by studying the similarities alone.