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IELTS- Effects of replacing sports and games with more acdemic sessions in schools

rombos 4 / 6 2  
Jan 30, 2013   #1
Most of the schools are planning to replace sports and exercise classes with more academic sessions, what is your opinion on this change? How is this change will affect children's life in your view?

Nowadays, many of the schools give less significance to physical training for students. This is mainly due to the cut-throat competition among schools for academic excellence. However, I believe that this change cannot be welcomed as it adversely affects the lives of the students.

To begin with, the lack of physical activities creates certain problems in children both physically and mentally. In adequate exercise leads to some health issues. For instance, it is noticed that, students those who do not take part in any of the physical trainings show higher potential for obesity and related illness.

In addition to that, the tight academic schedules in schools create some psychological imbalance in children. For example, a student who studies whole day without any relaxation can leads to increase the stress level. This in turn will affect their academic performance negatively.

Finally, engaging in sports or games can be beneficial for children in acquiring some good aspects such as; leadership qualities, ability to cope with failure, team spirit, and better socialization skills. This will not contribute, if physical training sessions take away from school syllabus.

To conclude, from these points of view, physical activities play an inevitable role in the development of school children. So, I believe that extracurricular activities such as sports and games should not be dropped from school curriculum.
Jazxro 1 / 3  
Jan 30, 2013   #2
this is pretty good
dumi 1 / 6923 1592  
Jan 31, 2013   #3
Nowadays, many of the schools give less significance to physical training for students. This is mainly due to the cut-throat competition among schools for academic excellence. However, I believe that this change cannot be welcomed as it adversely affects the lives of the students

Good introduction :)

For example, a student who studies whole day without any relaxation can leads to increase the stress level.

For example, a student who studies whole day without any break may end up with high stress levels.

Finally, engaging in sports or games can be beneficial for children in acquiring some good aspects such as;

Finally, engaging in sports or games can help children acquire important life skills and lessons.

Overall, a very good essay. You can surely aim for a real good score. I only wish if you be a little more specific with your examples. But, overall you follow a good structure, excellent vocabulary and good presentation. Good Luck!
Arun0506 27 / 120 34  
Jan 31, 2013   #4
This is really a good essay. Keep it up.

OP rombos 4 / 6 2  
Feb 1, 2013   #5
Thanks Dumi & Arun
joythblessy 86 / 272 15  
Feb 1, 2013   #6
Hai bosco...

Over all good essay..
Nice to read..

Nowadays many schools....

Keep on reading and writing..


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