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Enforcement actions to provide vocation for unwaged people

Ilmi_03 47 / 69 11  
Sep 4, 2016   #1
Some people believe that unemployed people should be made to work for their welfare/benefit payments. Others, however, see this as cheap labour.
Discuss the possible advantages and disadvantages of making unemployed people take any job.
Do you believe that making unemployed people work is a good idea?

During periods of economic recession, there has been a grave concern about unemployment worldwide. Most people assume that this condition requires an urgent treatment by creating job vacancy to support those unemployed persons financially. Meanwhile, others resist in the term of inadequate salary. Ultimately, this policy has inevitable consequences, I personally believe that this is a worthwhile idea due to numerous benefits obtained.

Enforcement actions to provide vocation for unwaged people in a virtue of necessity is more likely related to human exploitation. Since it does not provide decent wages to defray living expenses. India, for instance, there were around 487 million labour force in 2012, the second largest after China. To deal with this problem, the government encouraged unorganised occupations ranging from pushcart vendors to home-based diamond and gem polishing for plenty of workers. Those labours had an enormous workload per day but these sectors had low productivity. As a result, over 90 percent of employees earned lower-paid. All in all, it looks like a slavery to force people without job to get one.

However, there is a wide range of advantages creating job opportunity for those who have not yet employed. Firstly, this measure can increase the level of prosperity. Since labours receive certain salary regularly, they can reckon for household cost precisely. Furthermore, those become completely responsible for their live. They do not dependent to others to meet their fundamental requirements. In addition, this strategy can reduce the rate of crime effectively, or becomes crime prevention. There has been definitive evidences that the lower amount of money earned influenced the crime figures significantly.

In conclusion, while providing job vocations for redundant people heightens a risk due to social manner, I believe that it contributes many more positive effects on economic need. Therefore, the government should attempt to provide a better job demand based on both aspects.
ngohuytu_kaka 1 / 1  
Sep 5, 2016   #2
Ultimately, although this policy has inevitable consequences...
... vocation for unwaged people by virtue of necessity is more likely related to human exploitation, since it does not provide ...
... range of advantages of creating job opportunity ...
Since labourers receive a certain salary regularly, they can reckon for (you mean cover?)F0000]cover ?) household cost precisely .
Furthermore, they tend to be more responsible for their lives .
They would not depend on others to meet their fundamental demands .
... rate of crime effectively, or becomes crime prevention (i think this is redundant).
There has been definitive evidences that the lower amount ...
while providing job vocations forto redundant people heightens ...

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