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Engineering, rough draft about engineering

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Mar 27, 2024   #1
Andres Prieto Sandoval
Prof. Rosalyn McDermott


How is the world getting bigger and bigger, how are we generating so many technological advances, how does the machinery system work? Well, engineering could answer all these questions, playing an important role of this human progress, engineering stands as the base of a big part of the technology advances, intertwining innovation, intellect, and ingenuity to sculpt the very fabric of our civilization. From the towering skyscrapers to the delicate circuitry that animates our digital world, engineering serves as the conduit through which humanity's dreams materialize into reality. Yet, beyond its tangible manifestations, engineering embodies a deeper ethos-a relentless pursuit of problem-solving, a commitment to precision, and an unwavering dedication to shaping a future where possibility knows no bounds. In this rhetorical essay, we embark on an exploration of the multifaceted nature of engineering, industrial revolution, engineering applied on industries, its ethical imperatives and some examples showing engineering benefits. Through the lens of rhetoric, we unravel the complexities of this enormous discipline, seeking not only to understand its mechanisms but also to appreciate its profound impact on the world we inhabit.

Everything started with the Industrial Revolution, that stands as a testament to the force of engineering in the trajectory of human history. "Industrial Revolution transformed largely rural, agrarian societies-especially in Europe and North America-into industrialized, urban ones" *(History, n.d., Industrial Revolution section, para. 1). As the wheels of progress began to turn in the late 18th century, fueled by the advent of steam power and mechanized production, the landscape of industry underwent a huge transformation. This transformation goes from hand production methods to machines powered by steam engines and new mechanism invented, new chemical process and products, iron production processes and transportation, the enormous use of water to feed steam power systems, the development of machine tools in order to make easier the human work. Engineers started as architects of this new era, harnessing the potential of machines to revolutionize manufacturing, transportation, and communication on big scale. The exploitation of labor, the degradation of the environment, and the widening chasm of inequality cast a sobering shadow over the triumphs of innovation, prompting a critical reassessment of the role of engineering in shaping the social fabric.

Speaking about engineering application, the vast expanse of manufacturing, engineering serves as the guiding force behind the design, optimization, and implementation of processes that transform raw materials into finished goods. Whether it's gathering the pieces together creating continuous systems and put them all in to a packaging system and build a system to have a distribution system, the application of engineering principles lies at the heart of operational efficiency and productivity.

Additionally, engineering permeates every single step on the industrial operations, from the conception of cutting-edge technologies to the meticulous calibration of machinery. In fields as diverse as aerospace, pharmaceuticals, and renewable energy, engineers serve as the vanguard of progress, the ingenuity of engineers fuels the engine of industrial advancement.

Ethical imperatives in engineering extend beyond mere compliance with regulations; they demand a deeper commitment to integrity, transparency, and social justice. From the design of consumer products to the development of critical infrastructure, engineers must navigate a complex landscape of competing interests and consequences, always mindful of the broader ethical implications of their actions.

One of the foremost ethical considerations in engineering is the principle of sustainability. In an era defined by climate change and resource scarcity, engineers play a pivotal role in designing solutions that minimize environmental impact and promote long-term resilience. Whether it's the development of renewable energy technologies or the optimization of waste management systems, sustainability serves as a guiding principle that informs every aspect of engineering practice. Good engineering, however, is not just concerned with the mathematics of an engineering project: "there are questions of economics, politics, aesthetics, and ethics. Each engineering project is highly dependent upon the availability of raw materials of varying quality" **(Purdue, n.d. Understanding the rhetorical engineering section, pg. 79).

One of the primary benefits of engineering its capacity to improve quality of life. From the development of life-saving medical devices to the design of sustainable infrastructure, engineering innovations have a profound impact on the health, safety, and well-being of individuals and communities around the world. Some examples would be the process of cleaning water, improving transportation networks, or advancing medical treatments, engineering serves as a cornerstone of modern civilization, elevating living standards.

In essence, the benefits of engineering are as diverse as they are far-reaching, touching every aspect of human existence and shaping the course of history. By harnessing the power of innovation, creativity, and collaboration, engineering holds the promise of a brighter, more prosperous future for all.

In conclusion, engineering stands as a beacon of human ingenuity, driving innovation, solving complex challenges, and shaping the world we inhabit. Through its relentless pursuit of excellence and its unwavering commitment to progress, engineering not only transforms ideas into reality but also inspires future generations to reach for the stars and push the boundaries of what is possible. As we keep going on this modern civilization, we must recognize the indispensable role of engineering in shaping our world and propelling humanity forward into a future limited only by the scope of our imagination. Engineering is not merely a profession but a testament to the power of human creativity and perseverance in the face of adversity, charting a course towards a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Holt  Educational Consultant - / 15055 4834  
Mar 28, 2024   #2
There are instances in the presentation where you could use more concise language. Some of your paragraphs tend to run long when you could shorten the presentation by lessening word usage. Not all of the words you are using are necessary to convey a complete thought. Sometimes you can use less words and accomplish the same task. Along the same lines, you also have references that use words of uncertainty in the presentation. It would be best to avoid such references as those tend to lessen the impact of the statement that was written.

Formal writing, such as academic writing uses full words at all times. No shortcuts. So "it is" rather than "it's". This leads me to the adjective usage in your essay. You should consider using more specific adjectives next time to help with the idea clarity of your presentation.

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